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class GroupersController < ApplicationController::Base
def create
@grouper = current_member)
redirect_to home_path
class GroupersController < ApplicationController::Base
def create
@grouper = current_member)
redirect_to home_path
Hi David
I'm impressed with your back ground and your responsibilities at 37signals. When researching your profile I also found that you have 4.8K followers and have been starred 29 times on GitHub. This speaks volumes to your work and your high technical expertise. I'd love the opportunity to speak with you about a Ruby Engineering role I'm currently working on for Heroku. I'd like to share more details about the position and find out if you or anyone you know would be interested.
Heroku is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that lets you deploy, run and manage applications written in Ruby, Node.js, Java, Python, Clojure and Scala. Heroku is owned by Salesforce however, we operate as a completely separate entity. This allows us to maintain our technology, culture and the formula that has made us so successful.
Anyway, it would be great to set up sometime to chat. I am more than happy to answer any questions that you might have and it would be great for me to hear about what you are looking for in any potentia
David Heinemeier
• 14 repos related to Ruby
• multiple comments in rails/rails
• 23 Gems
• Uploaded RubyConf video
  1. First-use of the message template
<% renders messages/_message.html.erb %>
<%= render @messages %>
  1. Form submitting via Ajax
<%= form_for, remote: true do |form| %>
dhh / gist:7226428
Created October 30, 2013 02:40
Recruiter spam
Attention Talented Ruby on Rails Coders,
My new client is an exciting startup in the SF Bay area which has just closed on VC
funding and is actively seeking to hire several senior-level RoR coders with 3+ years of experience. They are a web and mobile platform solution allowing artists (singers, film-makers, etc.) to sell digital content directly to the consumer. They have already established multiple celebrities as members and are rapidly acquiring more. The position offers competitive salary, benefits, and pre-IPO stock options.
We are not looking for any contractors, telecommuters, or people who wish to work from remote locations. This situation may change after the company becomes more mature, but there is a strong consensus that on-site, full-time employees are required at this early stage.
We have actually already filled the CTO and CIO positions with the company in record time, largely because qualified candidates were immediately aware of the unique market-position of this company and the dynam
inbox: feedback
conversation: arrogance
sender: hater (Contact)
subject: Less arrogance!
excerpt: You guys really shouldn't be so arrogant!
inbox: security
conversation: bug
dhh / gist:2643144
Created May 9, 2012 08:57
Coding stats from the new Basecamp
bcx david$ rake stats
| Name | Lines | LOC | Classes | Methods | M/C | LOC/M |
| Controllers | 3704 | 2942 | 72 | 479 | 6 | 4 |
| Helpers | 1901 | 1529 | 13 | 261 | 20 | 3 |
| Models | 5310 | 4116 | 50 | 653 | 13 | 4 |
| Libraries | 2167 | 1593 | 51 | 200 | 3 | 5 |
| Integration tests | 297 | 217 | 6 | 1 | 0 | 215 |
| Functional tests | 3897 | 3065 | 61 | 11 | 0 | 276 |
class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper
def draw(routes_name)
BCX::Application.routes.draw do
draw :api
draw :account
draw :session
My name is Charles Bernoskie and I noticed that XYZ Corp is looking
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