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Created July 17, 2022 04:54
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open Printf
type term = F of string * (term list) | V of string
let rec subst term ((name, replacement) as sub) =
match term, name with
| V x, V y when String.equal x y -> replacement
| V x, V y when not (String.equal x y) -> term
| F (x, args), V y -> F (x, (fun arg -> subst arg sub) args)
| _, _ -> assert false
let rec subcompose term sublist =
List.fold_left (fun term sub -> subst term sub) term sublist
let rec pp_term = function
| V x -> x
| F (s, []) -> s
| F (s, l) ->
let rec join = function
| [] -> ""
| hd :: tl -> sprintf "%s,%s" (pp_term hd) (join tl) in
sprintf "%s(%s)" s (join l)
let p t = pp_term t |> print_endline
let (.%{}) term sub = subst term sub
let (.%{;..}) term sub = subcompose term (Array.to_list sub)
let (-->) a b = (V a, b)
let () =
let term = F ("f", [V "x"; V "y"])in
assert (term.%{"w" --> V "w"} = term);
term.%{"x" --> V "y"} |> p;
term.%{"x" --> V "y"; "y" --> V "x"} |> p;
term.%{("x" --> V "y")}.%{"y" --> V "x"} |> p
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