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Last active July 15, 2022 03:37
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(* A possibly correct unification algorithm implementaion *)
open Printf
type term = F of string * (term list) | V of string
let rec subst subs = function
| V x -> List.fold_left (fun acc (s, t) -> if x = s then t else V x) (V x) subs
| F (x, args) ->
F (x, (fun arg -> subst subs arg) args)
(* Return true for X/X substitutions *)
let is_redundant x = function
| V y -> x = y
| _ -> false
let rec ssubst subs = function
| [] -> subs
| (x, t) :: tl ->
let (y, t') = (x, subst subs t) in
if is_redundant y t'
then ssubst subs tl
else (y, t') :: ssubst subs tl
let rec show_term = function
| V x -> x
| F (x, []) -> x
| F (x, l) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" x (show_args l)
and show_args = function
| [] -> ""
| [hd] -> show_term hd
| hd :: tl -> sprintf "%s,%s" (show_term hd) (show_args tl)
let rec show_unifier_args = function
| [] -> ""
| [(x, t)] -> sprintf "%s -> %s" x (show_term t)
| (x, t) :: tl -> sprintf "%s -> %s; %s" x (show_term t) (show_unifier_args tl)
let show_unifier u =
sprintf "{%s}" (show_unifier_args u)
let (++) hd tl =
match List.find_opt (fun x -> x = hd) tl with
| Some x -> tl
| None -> hd :: tl
let rec unify t1 t2 acc =
match t1, t2 with
| F (x, _), F (y, _) when x <> y -> failwith ("conflict "^x^"<>"^y)
| F (f1, args1), F (f2, args2) ->
List.combine args1 args2
|> List.fold_left
(fun acc (arg1, arg2) -> unify arg1 arg2 acc)
| F (_, _), V _ -> unify t2 t1 acc
| V x, t ->
let acc = ssubst [(x, t)] acc in
(x, t) ++ acc
let c x = F (x, [])
let f n l = F (n, l)
let () =
let t1 = f "f" [V "X"; c "b"] in
let t2 = f "f" [c "a"; c "b"] in
let s = unify t1 t2 [] in
show_unifier s |> print_endline;
let t1 = f "f" [V "X"; c "b"] in
let t2 = f "f" [c "a"; V "Y"] in
let s = unify t1 t2 [] in
show_unifier s |> print_endline;
let t1 = f "f" [V "X"; V "Y"] in
let t2 = f "f" [V "Y"; V "X"] in
let s = unify t1 t2 [] in
show_unifier s |> print_endline
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