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Created February 1, 2020 00:03
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import random
time = random.choice([
"In the year 2020",
"In the year 3000",
"In the year 6969",
"In the year 42069",
"When you get your dream job",
"When your father comes back from the milk and cigarette store",
"This year",
"In july",
"In the year of the Whisper-Quiet Maytag Dishwasher",
"After you die",
"Once you have finally found true love",
"In a moment of ecstasy",
"When you most expect it",
"On your cat's 4th birthday",
"When you least expect it",
"The day after tomorrow",
"At 11:11",
place = random.choice([
"the world",
"the solar system",
"The United States of America",
"your house",
"Columbia, MO",
"this street",
"your favorite coffee shop",
"all of California",
"the sun",
"the ice caps",
"the ozone layer",
"True/False Film Festival",
"everyone you know",
"every mall",
"country roads",
"public transit systems",
"everything over 5 feet",
"every minor league baseball stadium",
"all things you love",
"all things you feel indifferent about",
"most green things",
"the sea",
verb = random.choice([
"dunked on",
"on fired",
"short circuited",
"killed then reanimated",
"gently rocked to sleep",
"Final Destinationed",
"screamed at",
"hotly breathed on",
"uncomfortably touched",
noun = random.choice([
"Steven Tyler",
"Juul Pods",
"fidget spinners",
"flying cars",
"Plastic Straws",
"Elon Musk",
"3 of your favorite ceramic mugs",
"high quality orange juice",
"the cast of Friends",
signoff = random.choice([
"Good Luck.",
"Good Game.",
"Like, Comment, Subscribe,",
"Happy Honda Days,",
"So it goes.",
"Aint that somethin.",
import usb.core
import usb.util
"""Demo program to print to the POS58 USB thermal receipt printer. This is
labeled under different companies, but is made by Zijiang. See"""
# In Linux, you must:
# 1) Add your user to the Linux group "lp" (line printer), otherwise you will
# get a user permissions error when trying to print.
# 2) Add a udev rule to allow all users to use this USB device, otherwise you
# will get a permissions error also. Example:
# In /etc/udev/rules.d create a file ending in .rules, such as
# 33-receipt-printer.rules with the contents:
# # Set permissions to let anyone use the thermal receipt printer
# SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0416", ATTR{idProduct}=="5011", MODE="666"
# Find our device
# 0416:5011 is POS58 USB thermal receipt printer
dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x0416, idProduct=0x5011)
# Was it found?
if dev is None:
raise ValueError('Device not found')
# Disconnect it from kernel
needs_reattach = False
if dev.is_kernel_driver_active(0):
needs_reattach = True
# Set the active configuration. With no arguments, the first
# configuration will be the active one
# get an endpoint instance
cfg = dev.get_active_configuration()
intf = cfg[(0,0)]
ep = usb.util.find_descriptor(
# match the first OUT endpoint
custom_match = \
lambda e: \
usb.util.endpoint_direction(e.bEndpointAddress) == \
assert ep is not None
# write the data
ep.write(f'{time}, {place} will be {verb} by {noun}\n\n{signoff}\n- The Trash Oracle\n')
ep.write(" `-.`'.-'\n")
ep.write(" `-. .-'.\n")
ep.write(" `-. -./\.- .-'\n")
ep.write(" -. /__\ .-\n")
ep.write(" `-. `/____\\' .-'.\n")
ep.write(" `-. -./.-~~-.\.- '\n")
ep.write(" `-. /< (()) >\ .-'\n")
ep.write(" - .`/__`-..-'__\\' .-\n")
ep.write(" ,...`-./___|____|___\.-'.,.\n")
ep.write(" ,-' ,` . . ', `-,\n")
# Reattach if it was attached originally
if needs_reattach:
print("Reattached USB device to kernel driver")
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