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Daniel dhoboy

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dhoboy / kitty.conf
Last active July 11, 2024 08:34
Kitty config
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:foldmethod=marker
#: Fonts {{{
#: kitty has very powerful font management. You can configure
#: individual font faces and even specify special fonts for particular
#: characters.
font_family Hasklug NF
# bold_font auto
dhoboy /
Last active July 19, 2023 05:15
3 vim s commands to transform JS object to Clojure map syntax

If you are transforming a lot of JS object syntax into Clojure map syntax in vim, these three s commands can help you:


The first one is simple, it removes all commas from the line
The second one is also simple, it swaps any single quotes for double quotes

dhoboy /
Last active May 14, 2022 16:57
Vim Relative Path Autocomplete with no plugins, but you sacrifice 1 named register (u still have 25 others)

Will expand into a blog post later, but the idea is you're in a project, for example:

- ~/myProject
-- actions
 | -- coolAction.js
 | -- otherAction.js
dhoboy / starship.toml
Last active November 9, 2021 15:03
My Simple Starship.toml
# Install starship: `sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"`
# This file lives here: ~/.config/starship.toml
# Using nerdfont
# Put the unzipped font files into ~/Library/Fonts
# Put this at end of bash_profile: `eval "$(starship init bash)"`
# Be sure to set the nerd font in iTerm2, and check the box for Anti-aliased to get it looking great
# Recommend to select the colors in iTerm2, and tone them down by selecting grayer shades in the color picker
# If something unexpected is showing in the prompt run: `starship explain` to see what it is
dhoboy / .vimrc
Last active July 11, 2024 08:38
My vimrc for neovim
" just for vim, since nvim removed :hardcopy
if (!has("nvim"))
set tabstop=2 softtabstop=2
set expandtab
set printoptions=header:0 " dont print a header with :hardcopy command
set clipboard=unnamed " yy copies to system clipboard
set textwidth=0
" for a writing workflow in nvim just run :set wrap when you start up
dhoboy /
Last active April 3, 2020 07:18
Japan COVID19 live data
dhoboy / Japan-Data-3-25-2020.csv
Last active March 26, 2020 03:57
Japan COVID19
Patient Number Date Announced Date Added Age Bracket Gender Residence City, Prefecture Detected City Detected Prefecture Status Notes Source(s) Related Patients Known Cluster MHLW (Orig) Patient Number Prefecture Patient Number City Patient Number Charter Flight Passenger Cruise Passenger (Disembarked) Cruise Passenger (Infected Onboard) Cruise Quarantine Officer Detected At Port Deceased Prefecture URL (Auto)
1 1/30/20 1/30/20 50 M Wuhan, China Unspecified Discharged Japanese lives in China Charter Flight 9 1
2 2/1/20 2/1/20 40 M Unspecified Unspecified Discharged 3 Charter Flight 14 1
3 2/1/20 2/1/20 40 M China Unspecified Discharged Japanese lives in China 2 Charter Flight 15 1
4 2/1/20 2/1/20 40 M Wuhan, China Unspecified Discharged Japanese lives in China Charter Flight 16 1
dhoboy /
Last active October 17, 2017 07:52
Pitcher Explorer

Baseball Pitcher Explorer (open in new tab to see full block)

Brush along one or more dimensions to see a table of Pitchers that match your critera. Output table code from this syntagmatic block.

I scraped the data from Retrosheet with Python's BeautifulSoup. Scraping repo here.

Retrosheet data use statement: 'The information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet. Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at "".'

dhoboy /
Last active October 1, 2017 18:01
Verlander Brush

Using crossfilter on Justin Verlander pitching data.

Open in new window to see full block.

I scraped data from Retrosheet with Python's BeautifulSoup. Scraping repo here.

Retrosheet data use statement: 'The information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet. Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at "".'

dhoboy /
Last active April 5, 2017 02:08
China Air Quality Canvas 2