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Created May 21, 2014 09:27
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i18n with Angular
* i18nLoad directive
* Load a translation from a click on a button with the attr i18n-load
module.exports = ['localize', function(localize) {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function(scope,el,attr) {
el.on('click',function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
* I18n Service
* Load your translations and update $rootScope
* It gives you access to your translation.
module.exports = ['$rootScope', '$http', function($rootScope, $http) {
var i18n = {
current: "",
data: {},
available: []
* Load a translation to the $scope
* - doc BCP 47 {@link}
* - doc Value of HTML5 lang attr {@link}
* @param {String} lang Your language cf BCP 47
function setTranslation(lang) {
if(!lang) {
lang = (document.documentElement.lang + '-' + document.documentElement.lang.toUpperCase()) || 'en-EN';
}else {
document.documentElement.lang = lang.split('-')[0];
i18n.current = lang;
angular.extend([lang], {languages: i18n.available});
console.log("[i18n-i18n@setTranslation] Load your translation with the current lang : ",i18n.current);
return {
load: function load() {
return $http.get('/i18n/languages.json')
.error(function() {
alert("Cannot load i18n translation file");
.success(function (data) { = data;
i18n.current = document.documentElement.lang + '-' + document.documentElement.lang.toUpperCase();
i18n.available = Object.keys(;
get: function get(lang) {
return[lang || i18n.current];
update: setTranslation
* I18n module
* Translate your application
angular.module('i18n', [])
.factory('localize', require('./services/i18n'))
.directive('i18nLoad', require('./directives/i18nLoad'))
.run(['localize', function(localize) {
* i18n file
"en-EN": {
"title": "Hi little butterfly !",
"baseline": "Welcome to",
"baselineInfo": "Serval Boilerplate with Backbone.js",
"includes": "You're ready to code. It includes",
"launchApp": "Open a terminal and run",
"aboutTpl": "It uses a custom lodash templating cf:",
"aboutTpl2": "You can of course remove these templateSettings, it's located inside",
"aboutLink": "You can access to another page here ",
"aboutLink2": "or, use a button with an event listener.",
"aboutAnchor": "with an anchor",
"buttonMsg": "Next page"
"fr-FR": {
"title": "Bienvenue petit papillon de lumière !",
"baseline": "Bienvenue sur",
"baselineInfo": "Serval-boilerplate avec Backbone.js",
"includes": "Tu peux désormais coder. Tu disposes de :",
"launchApp": "Ouvre une console et saisi cette commande :",
"aboutTpl": "On utilise une version customisée du template lodash cf:",
"aboutTpl2": "Tu peux modifier ça dans la variable templateSettings, on trouve ça dans ce fichier",
"aboutLink": "Tu peux aller à la page suivante avec ce lien : ",
"aboutLink2": "ou, en utilisant ce bouton avec un event",
"aboutAnchor": "avec une ancre",
"buttonMsg": "Page suivante"
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dhoko commented May 23, 2014

Latest version available on npm or bower ->

$ npm install serval-i18n
$ bower install serval-i18n

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