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Created May 26, 2011 22:13
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service locator demo
object ServiceLocatorTest extends App {
trait SimpleServiceLocator {
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
private var registry = new HashMap[String,Any]()
def instance[T](implicit manifest: Manifest[T]): Option[T] = {
for {
factory <- registry.get(manifest.toString)
instance <- Some(factory.asInstanceOf[() => T]())
} yield instance
protected def register[T](factory: => T)(implicit manifest : Manifest[T]) {
registry += (manifest.toString -> factory _)
class EchoService {
def echo(echo: String): String = {
trait EchoClient {
def callEcho(echoMe: String)
//Constructor Style
class EchoClientConstructor(echoService: EchoService) extends EchoClient {
def callEcho(echoMe: String){
println(echoService.echo(echoMe + " Constructor Style"))
//Property Style
class EchoClientProperty() extends EchoClient {
var echoService: EchoService = null
def callEcho(echoMe: String){
println(echoService.echo(echoMe + " Property Style"))
//Service Locator Style
class EchoClientServiceLocator() extends EchoClient {
def echoService = EchoModule.instance[EchoService].get
def callEcho(echoMe: String){
println(echoService.echo(echoMe + " Service Locator Style" ))
//Def style
abstract class EchoClientDef() extends EchoClient {
def echoService: EchoService
def callEcho(echoMe: String){
println(echoService.echo(echoMe + " Def Style"))
object EchoModule extends SimpleServiceLocator {
register[EchoService] {
new EchoService
register[EchoClientConstructor] {
new EchoClientConstructor(instance[EchoService].get)
register[EchoClientProperty] {
val client = new EchoClientProperty()
client.echoService = instance[EchoService].get
register[EchoClientServiceLocator] {
new EchoClientServiceLocator
register[EchoClientDef] {
new EchoClientDef {
def echoService = instance[EchoService].get
val echoClientA: EchoClient = EchoModule.instance[EchoClientConstructor].get
val echoClientB: EchoClient = EchoModule.instance[EchoClientProperty].get
val echoClientC: EchoClient = EchoModule.instance[EchoClientServiceLocator].get
val echoClientD: EchoClient = EchoModule.instance[EchoClientDef].get
echoClientA.callEcho("echo me")
echoClientB.callEcho("echo me")
echoClientC.callEcho("echo me")
echoClientD.callEcho("echo me")
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