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Created December 19, 2018 22:32
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puppet_webhook output
# Authentication
protected: true
user: puppet
pass: puppet
# Mcollective
client_cfg: "/etc/puppetlabs/mcollective/server.cfg"
client_timeout: "120"
use_mco_ruby: false
use_mcollective: false
discovery_timeout: '10'
# Chatops Notification
chatops: false
# Slack Example
# chatops_service: 'slack'
# chatops_channel: '#general'
# chatops_user: 'r10k'
# chatops_url: '<hash>/<hash>/<hash>'
# R10k
default_branch: production
ignore_environments: []
prefix_command: ''
r10k_deploy_arguments: "-pv"
allow_uppercase: true
command_prefix: 'umask 0022;'
➞ ~ : puppet_webhook -c ~/server.yml
WARNING: If you plan to load any of ActiveSupport's core extensions to Hash, be
sure to do so *before* loading Sinatra::Application or Sinatra::Base. If not,
you may disregard this warning.
[2018-12-19 16:30:02] INFO WEBrick 1.4.2
[2018-12-19 16:30:02] INFO ruby 2.5.1 (2018-03-29) [x86_64-darwin18]
[2018-12-19 16:30:02] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=27821 port=8088
INFO -> Using Puppetfile '/Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/test_2/Puppetfile'
INFO -> Using Puppetfile '/Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test/Puppetfile'
INFO -> Using Puppetfile '/Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhooktest/Puppetfile'
INFO -> Deploying environment /Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test
INFO -> Environment webhook_test is now at 4a32bf94c28e979aaa0495773c5ce4e2b5661649
INFO -> Deploying Puppetfile content /Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test/modules/stdlib - - [19/Dec/2018:16:30:05 CST] "POST /payload HTTP/1.1" 200 0
- -> /payload
INFO -> Deploying Puppetfile content /Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test/modules/concat
INFO -> Deploying Puppetfile content /Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test/modules/firewall
INFO -> Deploying Puppetfile content /Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test/modules/network
INFO -> Deploying Puppetfile content /Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test/modules/rsyslog
INFO -> Deploying Puppetfile content /Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test/modules/autofs
INFO -> Deploying Puppetfile content /Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test/modules/r10k
INFO -> Deploying Puppetfile content /Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test/modules/aws
INFO -> Deploying Puppetfile content /Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules/webhook_test/modules/docker
remote: ''
basedir: '/Users/dhollinger/.puppetlabs/modules'
server_type: simple
logfile: "/Users/dhollinger/webhook/webhook.log"
loglevel: DEBUG
pidfile: "/Users/dhollinger/webhook/"
port: 8088
enable_ssl: false
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