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Tinyscript tool for filtering a wordlist from STDIN based on Fcrackzip-like criteria to STDOUT or a file


This Tinyscript-based tool allows to filter a wordlist from STDIN to STDOUT or an output file. This is particularly interesting for dictionary attacks.

This can be installed using:

$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install wlf

This tool is especially useful in the use cases hereafter.

Simple wordlist filtering

Filtering RockYou for all passwords with characters 1 to 5, any lowercase or uppercase letter or the special characters !-_@:

$ cat rockou.txt | wlf -a "[1-5]aA[!-_@]" -s > rockyou_filtered.txt

Dictionary attack with a wordlist from a memory image on-the-fly

Cracking a ZIP file using Fcrackzip from the strings of a forensics image:

$ strings memory.raw | wlf | fcrackzip -u -D -p /dev/stdin

PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == Cyb3rs3curit3

Cracking a ZIP file using John the Ripper from the strings of a forensics image:

$ zip2john >
$ strings memory.raw | wlf -a "aA1!" | john --stdin
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from tinyscript import *
__author__ = "Alexandre D'Hondt"
__version__ = "1.3"
__copyright__ = "A. D'Hondt"
__license__ = "agpl-3.0"
__doc__ = """
This simple tool allows to filter a wordlist from STDIN to STDOUT or an output
file. This is particularly interesting for dictionary attacks.
__examples__ = [
"-r passwords.lst -w passwords-filtered.lst",
"-d < passwords.lst > passwords-filtered.lst",
"-d < passwords.lst | fcrackzip -u -D -p /dev/stdin",
"-a \"aA1!\" -r passwords.lst | john my.hash --stdin",
def get_alphabet(alphabet):
""" Transforms the input alphabet to a full character set.
>>> get_alphabet("Aa1")
>>> get_alphabet("1[f-a]")
>>> get_alphabet("[1-4][f-a]")
>>> get_alphabet("[1-4][f-a]!")
>>> get_alphabet("[1-4][f-a]!*")
'1234fedcba!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~056789ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c'
s = ""
for c in re.findall(r"(\[.+?\]|.)", alphabet):
a = {
'*': string.printable,
'a': string.ascii_lowercase,
'A': string.ascii_uppercase,
'1': string.digits,
'!': string.punctuation,
# handle interval
if c.startswith("[") and c.endswith("]"):
if len(c) == 5 and c[2] == "-":
c1, c2 = c[1], c[3]
if c1.isupper() and c2.isupper():
a = string.ascii_uppercase
elif c1.islower() and c2.islower():
a = string.ascii_lowercase
elif c1.isdigit() and c2.isdigit():
a = string.digits
if a is not None:
start, end = a.index(c1), a.index(c2)
for k in range(start, end + 1, 1) if start < end else \
range(start, end - 1, -1):
i = a[k]
if i not in s:
s += i
for i in c[1:-1]:
if i in s:
s += i
# or handle a single char
elif a is not None:
for i in a:
if i not in s:
s += i
raise ValueError("Bad character '{}'".format(c))
return s
def filter_word(wordlist, length, alphabet):
check = lambda l: length[0] <= len(l) <= length[1] and \
all(c in alphabet for c in l)
if wordlist is None:
for l in ts.stdin_pipe():
l = l.rstrip()
if check(l):
yield l
with open(wordlist, 'rb') as f:
for l in f:
l = l.strip()
if check(l):
yield l
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument("-a", "--alphabet", default="aA1",
help="character set to filter",
note="characters order matters !\n"
"Use [...] to enclose absolute characters\n"
"Special characters:\n- *: printables\n"
"- a: lowercase letters\n- A: uppercase letters\n"
"- 1: digits\n- !: punctuation characters\n")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--duplicates", action="store_false",
help="filter duplicates", note="very slow")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--length", default="6-16",
help="word length interval")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--read", type=ts.file_exists,
help="read from file")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--sort", action="store_true",
help="sort output file",
note="only works with -w ; relies on 'sort'")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--write", type=ts.file_does_not_exist,
help="write to file")
l = list(map(int, args.length.split("-")))
if len(l) == 1:
l.insert(0, 0)
args.length = l
args.duplicates = True if args.write and args.sort else args.duplicates
words = collections.deque(maxlen=256*1024*1024//max(args.length[1], 1))
with open(args.write, 'wb') if args.write else sys.stdout as out:
for w in filter_word(, args.length,
if not args.duplicates:
if w in words:
w = w + b("\n")
if args.write is None:
w = w.decode()
except BrokenPipeError:
if args.write and args.sort and not WINDOWS:
c = ["sort", "-u", args.write]
p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
tmp_fn = hashlib.md5(args.write.encode()).hexdigest()
with open(tmp_fn, 'wb') as tmp:
for l in iter(p.stdout.readline, ""):
os.rename(tmp_fn, args.write)
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