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Last active February 11, 2024 10:36
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Tinyscript steganography tool implementing the Least Significant Bit algorithm


This Tinyscript-based tool allows to apply steganography based on LSB (Least Significant Bit) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image.

$ pip install tinyscript
$ tsm install stegolsb

This tool is especially useful in the use cases hereafter.

Extract hidden data from an image using LSB stegano

$ stegolsb -v extract test.png --column-step 2 --rows 1 --columns 128
12:34:56 [DEBUG] Image size: 225x225
12:34:56 [DEBUG] Bits [0], channels RGB, column step 2, row step 1
12:34:56 [INFO] Hidden data:

Bruteforce LSB stegano parameters to recover hidden data from an image

This will display readable strings recovered using bruteforced paramters.

$ stegolsb bruteforce test.png
12:34:56 [INFO] [...]
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from PIL import Image
from tinyscript import *
__author__ = "Alexandre D'Hondt"
__version__ = "1.2"
__copyright__ = ("A. D'Hondt", 2020)
__license__ = "gpl-3.0"
__examples__ = [
"-v extract -b 0 test.png",
"extract test.png --cols 128 --rows 1 --column-step 2",
"-w secret.txt bruteforce test.png",
__doc__ = """
*StegoLSB* allows to apply steganography based on LSB (Least Significant Bit) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image.
BANNER_FONT = "standard"
BANNER_STYLE = {'fgcolor': "lolcat"}
HOTKEYS = {'d': lambda: show_data(), 'h': lambda: show_data(first=1), 't': lambda: show_data(last=1)}
def show_data(first=0, last=0, width=16):
global p
if not hasattr(p, "data"):
d =
n_lines, PRINT = len(d) // width, re.sub(r"\s", "", string.printable)
for i in range(0, len(d), width):
if first > 0 and i // width >= first:
elif last > 0 and i // width <= n_lines - last:
h = ts.str2hex(d[i:i+width])
h = " ".join(h[j:j+4] for j in range(0, len(h), 4))
b = "".join(c if c in PRINT else "." for c in d[i:i+width])
print("%0.8x: %s %s" % (i, h.ljust(39), b))
class LSB(object):
def __init__(self, image, secret=None):
self.__image = image
self.__secret = secret
self.__write = True
self.__obj =
logger.debug("Image size: {}x{}".format(*self.__obj.size))
def bruteforce(self, bits=False, channels=False, nchars=16, maxstep=10):
self.__write = False
for ch in (ts.bruteforce(3, "RGB", repeat=False) if channels else ["RGB"]):
for bi in (ts.bruteforce(8, range(8), repeat=False) if bits else [(0, )]):
for y_s in range(1, maxstep + 1):
for x_s in range(1, maxstep + 1):
self.extract(bi, ch, colstep=x_s, rowstep=y_s)
for s in ts.strings(, nchars):
if self.__secret:
def extract(self, bits=(0, ), channels="RGB", cols=None, rows=None, coloffset=0, rowoffset=0, colstep=1, rowstep=1):
logger.debug("Bits {}, channels {}, column step {}, row step {}".format(list(bits), channels, colstep, rowstep))
i = self.__obj
cols = cols or i.size[0]
rows = rows or i.size[1] = ""
for y in range(rowoffset, rows, max(1, rowstep)):
data = ""
for x in range(coloffset, cols, max(1, colstep)):
pixel = {k: v for k, v in zip("RGB", i.getpixel((x, y)))}
for c in channels.upper():
B = ts.int2bin(pixel[c])[::-1]
for b in bits:
data += B[b]
d = ts.bin2str(data) += d
if self.__write:
return self
def hide(self, data):
bin_data = ts.str2bin(data)
#TODO: implement hiding data
bin_len = ts.int2bin(len(bin_data))
return self
def write(self, content):
fn = self.__secret
if fn is None:
fn = os.path.basename(self.__image)
fn, _ = os.path.splitext(fn)
fn = "{}-secret.txt".format(fn)
with open(fn, 'ab') as f:
return self
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser.add_argument("-w", "--write", help="write data to a file")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="commands", dest="command")
extract = subparsers.add_parser('extract', help="manually extract hidden data")
bruteforce = subparsers.add_parser('bruteforce', help="bruteforce parameters for extracting hidden data")
extract.add_argument("image", type=ts.file_exists, help="image path")
extract.add_argument("-b", "--bits", type=ts.pos_ints, default="0", help="bits to be considered, starting from LSB")
extract.add_argument("-c", "--channels", default="RGB", help="channels to be considered")
extract.add_argument("--columns", dest="cols", type=ts.pos_int, help="number of image columns to be considered")
extract.add_argument("--column-offset", dest="coloffset", type=ts.pos_int, default=0,
help="column offset for searching for data")
extract.add_argument("--column-step", dest="colstep", type=ts.pos_int, default=1,
help="step number for iterating columns")
extract.add_argument("--rows", type=ts.pos_int, help="number of image rows to be considered")
extract.add_argument("--row-offset", dest="rowoffset", type=ts.pos_int, default=0,
help="row offset for searching for data")
extract.add_argument("--row-step", dest="rowstep", type=ts.pos_int, default=1,
help="step number for iterating rows")
bruteforce.add_argument("image", type=ts.file_exists, help="image path")
bruteforce.add_argument("-b", "--bits", action="store_true", help="bruteforce the bits positions",
note="if false, only the LSB is considered")
bruteforce.add_argument("-c", "--channels", action="store_true", help="bruteforce the color channels",
note="if false, RGB are considered")
bruteforce.add_argument("-n", "--nchars", type=ts.pos_int, default=16, help="minimal length for readable strings")
bruteforce.add_argument("-s", "--max-step", type=ts.pos_int, default=10, help="maximum bit step to be considered",
note="e.g. 3 will lookup every 3 bits in the LSB-collected data")
p = LSB(args.image, args.write)
if args.command == "bruteforce":
p.bruteforce(args.bits, args.channels, args.nchars, args.max_step)
elif args.command == "extract":
p.extract(args.bits, args.channels, args.cols, args.rows, args.coloffset, args.rowoffset, args.colstep,
args.rowstep)"Hidden data:\n" +
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dhondta commented Feb 11, 2024

@CoSmOo1 Thank you for mentioning.
I pointed out this issue when solving another one of these last days on this similar Gist.

With this latest modification, you should now get the warning with "tsm update" instead of "tinyscript update" and no exception related to the cache.

Please do the following and retest :

$ pip install --upgrade tinyscript
$ tsm update
$ tsm install --force stegolsb
$ stegolsb --help

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