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Forked from naiquevin/
Created March 2, 2013 05:26
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import sys
from urllib import urlencode
import requests
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
from random import choice
import re
self_id = None # your facebook id here
utc_bday = None # utc timestamp of your birthday
unichar_pattern = re.compile(r'\\u.{4}')
thanks = ['Thanks! :-)', 'Thanks a lot :-)', 'Thank you! :-)']
wish_terms = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
map(lambda (x, y): ['%s %s' % (x, s) for s in y],
[('happy', ['birthday', 'bday', 'returns']),
('many', ['happy']),
('wish', ['you', 'u'])]))
def build_start_url(fb_id, access_token):
base_url = '' % (fb_id,)
params = {'since': utc_bday,
'access_token': access_token}
url = '%s?%s' % (base_url, urlencode(params))
return url
def post_dict(post):
return {'id': post['id'],
'from': post['from']['name'],
'message': post.get('message', ''), # cheap hack alert!
'type': post['type'],
'comments': post['comments']['count']}
def prepare_msg(message):
message = message.lower().replace('!', '')
message = re.sub(unichar_pattern, '', message)
return message
def is_bday_wish(message):
message = prepare_msg(message)
return any(map(lambda x: message.find(x) > -1, wish_terms))
def get_wishes(url, acc=None):
acc = [] if acc is None else acc
params = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query)
until = params.get('until')
stop = False if until is None else int(until[0]) < utc_bday
if stop:
return acc
print url
req = requests.get(url)
if req.status_code == 200:
content = req.json()
feed = map(post_dict, content['data'])
wishes = filter(lambda x: all([x['type'] == 'status', # type is status
x['from'] != self_id,
x['comments'] == 0,
is_bday_wish(x['message'])]), # not already thanked
next_url = content['paging']['next']
return get_wishes(next_url, acc + wishes)
def send_thanks(wish, access_token):
message = choice(thanks)
payload = {'message': message}
url = '' % (wish['id'], access_token)
print 'Replying %s to %s' % (message, wish['from']), data=payload)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Uncomment the `exit` if you know what you are doing!'
script, access_token = sys.argv
url = build_start_url(self_id, access_token)
wishes = get_wishes(url)
for wish in wishes:
send_thanks(wish, access_token)
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