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Last active March 22, 2019 02:51
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Save dhruvkar/0b838489fd027f3011d000ae2390fc01 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get Yelp and Google ratings of a business, given the business name, address, & phone number.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import re
import requests # pip install requests
from yelpapi import YelpAPI # pip install yelpapi. Not a very mature library, use at your own risk.
from requests.compat import urljoin, quote_plus
YELP_CLIENT_ID = "" # sign up at and create an app.
YELP_CLIENT_SECRET = "" # same as above
GOOGLE_API_KEY = "" # sign up at and enable
# "Google Places API Web Service" & "Google Maps Geocoding API"
GEOCODE_URL = "{0}&key={1}"
PLACENEARBY_URL = "{0}&radius=500&type=contractor&keyword={1}&key={2}"
def _clean_phone(raw_phone):
Given a raw US phone number, remove dashes, parentheses and spaces
and add in a '+1' at the start to use with Yelp API
phone = str(raw_phone)
phone = raw_phone.replace(" ", "")
phone = phone.replace("-", "")
phone = phone.replace("(", "")
phone = phone.replace(")", "")
if len(phone) == 10:
phone = "+1" + phone
return phone
def _merge_dicts(*dict_args):
Given any number of dicts, shallow copy and merge into a new dict,
precedence goes to key value pairs in latter dicts.
result = {}
for dictionary in dict_args:
return result
def google_rating(business_name, address, key=GOOGLE_API_KEY, gcurl=GEOCODE_URL, pnurl=PLACENEARBY_URL):
Given a business name and address, get Google ratings from the Places API.
Address is geocoded first to get latitute, longitude.
Tries to narrow down to a specific business.
geocode = gcurl.format(quote_plus(address), key)
r = requests.get(geocode)
if r.ok:
raw_loc = json.loads(r.content)['results'][0]['geometry']['location']
usable_loc = ",".join((str(raw_loc['lat']), str(raw_loc['lng'])))
placenearby = pnurl.format(usable_loc, quote_plus(business_name), key)
r = requests.get(placenearby)
if r.ok:
placeinfo = json.loads(r.content)
rating = placeinfo['results'][0]['rating'] # assumes first result in list is correct
return {"google_rating": rating}
print ("Somthing went wrong with places nearby search. Status Code: ", r.status_code)
return {"google_rating": None}
print ("Something went wrong with geocoding request. Status Code: ", r.status_code)
return {"google_rating": None}
def yelp_rating(cid=YELP_CLIENT_ID, cs=YELP_CLIENT_SECRET, **kwargs):
Given a phone or business_id, get Yelp ratings for a business.
Business needs to have at least one rating to return.
Using phone number not reliable, so main uses Business ID
Uses Yelp Fusion API (v3).
y = YelpAPI(cid, cs)
if kwargs.get("phone"):
res = y.phone_search_query(phone=_clean_phone(kwargs.get("phone")))
if len(res['businesses']) == 1:
rating = res['businesses'][0]['rating']
reviews = res['businesses'][0]['review_count']
return {"yelp_rating":rating, "yelp_reviews": reviews}
elif len(res['businesses']) == 0:
print ("no business found with that phone number")
return {"yelp_rating": None, "yelp_reviews": None}
print ("multiple businesses found for phone")
return {"yelp_rating": "Multiple", "yelp_reviews": "Multiple"}
except Exception as e:
print (e)
elif kwargs.get("business_id"):
res = y.business_query(id=kwargs.get("business_id"))
rating = res['rating']
reviews = res['review_count']
return {"yelp_rating":rating, "yelp_reviews": reviews}
except Exception as e:
print (e)
return {"yelp_rating": None, "yelp_reviews": None}
print ("supply a 'business_id' or 'phone' for business to search yelp")
def main(business_name, address, yelp_business_id=""):
Uses Business ID rather than phone number as it was more reliable in testing.
Will only return Google ratings if Yelp business ID not supplied.
google = google_rating(business_name=business_name, address=address)
if yelp_business_id:
yelp = yelp_rating(business_id=yelp_business_id)
return _merge_dicts(yelp, google)
return google
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