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Last active October 8, 2015 09:43
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Save di7spider/613b8e406ce3811624fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
1C-Bitrix :: Создает зеркальную копию из разделов каталога товаров в инфоблок меню и прописывает связь разделов по полю UF_LINK_CATALOG
include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_before.php';
define('DEF_IB_CATALOG', 1); /** ИБ каталога товаров */
define('DEF_IB_MENU_CATALOG', 2); /** ИБ каталога меню */
$arListAdd = Array();
$db = new CIBlockSection;
$addSection = function($catalogSID, $parentSID, $code, $name, $sort) use($db, &$arListAdd){
$arListAdd[$catalogSID] = $db-> add(
"ACTIVE" => 'Y',
"IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => (int) $parentSID,
"CODE" => (string) $code,
"NAME" => (string) $name,
"SORT" => (int) $sort <= 0 ? 500 : (int) $sort,
"UF_LINK_CATALOG" => (int) $catalogSID
$addSection(0, 0, 'catalog', 'Каталог');
$dbSection = \Bitrix\Iblock\SectionTable::getList(
'order' => Array(
'SORT' => 'ASC'
'filter' => Array(
'ACTIVE' => 'Y',
'select' => Array(
while( $arSection = $dbSection-> fetch() ){
(int) $arSection['IBLOCK_SECTION_ID']
echo 'Y';
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Пример созданных разделов в инфоблоке "Меню каталога товаров":

Пример меню

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