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Created November 7, 2018 13:25
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PEACEKEEPING WORKOUT (based on King, Gary;Zeng, Langche, 2007,
"Replication data for: When Can History be Our Guide?
The Pitfalls of Counterfactual Inference",,
Harvard Dataverse, V4,
UNF:3:DaYlT6QSX9r0D50ye+tXpA== [fileUNF] )
foo <- read.csv("")
# extract relevant columns
foo <- foo[, c(6:8, 11:16, 99, 50, 114, 49, 63, 136, 109, 126, 48, 160, 142, 10)]
# remove 2 rows with missing data (there are better ways to handle missing data)
foo <- foo[c(-19, -47), ]
# check that all missing data is gone...
which( == TRUE)
# take a peek at the data set (identify the columns)
### Outcome is "pbs2s3": "democracy" and "peace" within 2 years after the end of the war
### codebook is here:
### Treatment indicator is "untype4": "multidimensional peacekeeping/peacebuilding"
### How many treated units? How many controls? How do you feel about SUTVA?
# STEP 1:
# Take the logistic regression (the ‘original model’) that appears in Gary King's
# paper with Langche Zheng--it's available here:
# go to PAGE 2... download/open "" ...
# Find the logistic regression model near the top, on the line starting with the word
# "logistic". Let this be your propensity score model, ignoring references to "cluster"
# (i.e., the model ends with 'decade'.)
# Call your propensity score model "glm1".
# e.g, glm1 <- glm(untype4 ~ wartype + logcost + ... , data = foo, family = binomial)
# (a) the treatment effect (ATT), and the p-value of the treatment effect;
# (b) which conflicts in the treatment group get matched to which 'control' conflicts
# (using $mdata OR $index.treated and $index.control)
# (c) the lowest p-value obtained from balance tests, after running MatchBalance on:
# wartype, logcost, wardur, factnum, factnum2, trnsfcap, untype4, treaty,
# develop, exp, decade...
# SHORTCUT! COPY/PASTE THE BELOW (after matching, filling in the blank):
mb <- MatchBalance(pbs2s3 ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
factnum2 + trnsfcap + untype4 +
treaty + develop + exp + decade,
data=foo, match.out = FILL_IN_BLANK, nboots=500)
# STEP 2:
# Perform genetic matching, with X = to all the variables included in MatchBalance
# pop.size should be at least 200, max.generations should be at least 20,
# and wait generations should be at least 10. Estimand is "ATT".
# Take note of the same 3 results as above. Check the rgenoud output
# to see if the genetic algorithm improves fitness over time.
# STEP 3:
# Augment your STEP 2 analysis by including your propensity score in "X"...
# e.g., X <- cbind(X, glm1$fitted)
# Take note of the same 3 results. See if your balance improves with inclusion
# of the propensity score as a matching variable. See if your impact
# estimate changes. See if you can improve your results (e.g., balance)
# by changing the matching variables, or the matching parameters (e.g., "M")
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