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Last active April 4, 2016 17:49
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Mapzen Search


  • Switched from Quattroshapes to WhosOnFirst as the canonical source for administrative hierarchies and corresponding geometries.
  • No longer importing Quattroshapes data since WhosOnFirst contains all those records and more. Going forward, any use of quattroshapes or qs in queries will resolve to whosonfirst or wof automatically.
  • New bbox property has been added to individual results, for which geometry was available in the original source. This does not affect POI and address data.
  • Drastic improvements have been made to the label generation logic.
  • id and gid format has changed to make the ids more unique.
  • New id format resolves previously outstanding bugs related to geonames ids being invalid for lookup via the /place endpoint.
  • Addition place types have been introduced, such as macroregion, macrocounty, and burough.
  • gid values have been added for each parent in the admin hierarchies of results.



  • address property had to be renamed to address_parts to avoid naming collision with new ES index type, also called address
  • Use shared document stream
  • Add bbox computation to OSM ways
  • Updated pelias-config parameters needed for pelias-wof-admin-lookup
  • TravisCI builds have been streamlined and functional tests added to the validation process
  • Add helpful error message when adminLookup is mis-configured
  • Switch to new Pelias model, which supports WOF hierarchy and ids
  • Use pelias-wof-admin-lookup to build the administrative hierarchy
  • Update id building scheme
  • More debug logging

Dependency updates

  • pelias-wof-admin-lookup (new)
  • pelias-admin-lookup (removed)
  • pelias-dbclient
  • pelias-model
  • iso-639-3



  • Major refactoring to make code more testable and maintainable
  • Switched over to the new Pelias model, which supports WOF hierarchy and ids
  • Changed the ids being generated for each record to include the CSV file name, in addition to the unique integer
  • Use pelias-wof-admin-lookup to build the administrative hierarchy
  • Added ability to run multiple parallel imports. This has gone a long way to speed up the imports
  • address property had to be renamed to address_parts to avoid naming collision with new ES index type, also called address
  • TravisCI builds have been streamlined and functional tests added to the validation process
  • Check correct columns exist before checking length

Dependency updates

  • pelias-wof-admin-lookup (new)
  • pelias-admin-lookup (removed)
  • pelias-model
  • pelias-dbclient
  • tape
  • csv-parse
  • glob
  • through2



  • 🪲 [bugfix] Fix download errors
  • Refactor all the things to make the code more testable and maintainable
  • Switch over to the new Pelias model, which supports WOF hierarchy and ids
  • Add more feature codes to the layer mapping logic and map these feature codes to layers, such as macroregion, county, country, etc
  • Add country specific mappings for geonames feature codes to Pelias place types
  • Use pelias-wof-admin-lookup to build the administrative hierarchy instead of trusting the one in geonames
  • TravisCI builds have been streamlined and functional tests added to the validation process
  • Filter out geonames feature codes that correspond to historical, destroyed, and other records not useful for geocoding

Dependency updates

  • pelias-wof-admin-lookup (new)
  • pelias-model
  • pelias-dbclient
  • csv-parse
  • underscore
  • lodash



  • 🚧 [deprecation] Add quattroshapes deprecation warning and wof fallback
  • 🪲 [bugfix] enable support for ?sources= filtering on /reverse
  • 🪲 [bugfix] fix local vs. distant result balance for autocomplete queries when a focus.point is specified
  • 🪲 [bugfix] Fix dedupe middleware so it takes neighbourhood and locality into consideration. Shout out to @vesameskanen for the PR! 🎆
  • Expose bbox for individual results to allow user to zoom to the proper level when displaying results on a map
  • Add iso3 to labels in results for records located in USA, such as 123 Main St, New York, NY, USA
  • Switch over to the new Pelias model, which supports WOF hierarchy and ids
  • Modify region specific label generation to allow for easy configuration specified by region
  • Internally address property had to be renamed to address_parts to avoid naming collision with new ES index type, also called address
  • Make street/number flipping configurable, needed for countries like Germany where the housenumber comes after the street name
  • Pass esclient config to elasticsearch module
  • Use the official elasticsearch module, instead of pelias-eslicent
  • Dockerfile was added by @hannesj! Big thanks! ❤️
  • TravisCI builds have been streamlined and functional tests added to the validation process
  • Improve tests
  • Make doc generation a bit easier with a new generate-docs script
  • Debug logging
    • full queries and responses between Pelias and Elasticsearch
    • query/response to place controller
  • Remove out of date file

Dependency updates

  • pelias-esclient (removed)
  • elasticsearch (new)
  • pelias-schema
  • pelias-query
  • tap-dot (use patched branch)
  • morgan
  • geojson
  • underscore
  • lodash
  • precommit-hook
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