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Last active May 7, 2021 11:13
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BlackBoxing Approach D3 with React.
// Approach uses clear Seperation of concern
// Lifecycle Methods wraps D3 chart created outside
// Cons - No SSR
import React, { useLayoutEffect } from "react";
import * as d3 from "d3";
const draw = () => {
const width = 600;
const dataSet = [
{ type: "success", count: "15", color: "#2F80ED" },
{ type: "error", count: "5", color: "#F2C94C" },
{ type: "warning", count: "3", color: "#27AE60" }
const sliceGrow = 50;
const sliceMove = 20;
const pie = d3
.endAngle(2 * Math.PI)
.value((data) => data.count);
const outerRadius = width / 2 - sliceGrow;
const innerRadius = 0;
const arc = d3.arc().innerRadius(innerRadius).outerRadius(outerRadius);
const calcTranslate = (data, move) => {
const moveAngle = data.startAngle + (data.endAngle - data.startAngle) / 2;
return `translate(${-move * Math.cos(moveAngle + Math.PI / 2)}, ${
-move * Math.sin(moveAngle + Math.PI / 2)
const mouseOver = (event, d) => {
// event.persist();
.attr("opacity", ".7")
.attr("transform", calcTranslate(d, sliceMove))
.attr("stroke", "#98898955")
.attr("stroke-width", 4)
.attrTween("d", () => {
const interpolator = d3.interpolate(
outerRadius + sliceGrow
return (t) => {
const newOuterRadius = interpolator(t);
return arc.outerRadius(newOuterRadius)(d);
const mouseOut = (event, d) => {
// event.persist();
.attr("opacity", "1")
.attr("transform", "translate(0, 0)")
.attr("stroke", "transparent")
.attr("stroke-width", 0)
.attrTween("d", () => {
const interpolator = d3.interpolate(outerRadius, outerRadius);
return (t) => {
const newOuterRadius = interpolator(t);
return arc.outerRadius(newOuterRadius)(d);
.attr("height", width + sliceMove * 2)
.attr("width", "100%")
`translate(${width / 2 + sliceMove}, ${width / 2 + sliceMove})`
// .data(pie(dataSet))
// .enter()
// .append("path")
// .join("path")
(enter) => enter.append("path"),
(update) => update,
(exit) => exit.remove()
.on("mouseover", mouseOver)
.on("mouseout", mouseOut)
.attr("fill", function (d, i) {
.attrTween("d", (d) => {
const i = d3.interpolate({ startAngle: 0, endAngle: 0 }, d);
return (t) => {
return arc(i(t));
const ResponsivePieChart = () => {
useLayoutEffect(() => {
}, []);
return <div id="piechart"></div>;
export default ResponsivePieChart;
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