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Building ROMs with microG integrated


I never thought I'd do this instead of just build normal ROMs and install microG manually just like people flashes opengapps or some other stuff, but then I found out that "LineageOS for microG" exists, stable custom ROM plus microG instead of bs out of box, nice idea isn't it?

Oh btw, if you know docker and doesn't want to customize your build, "LineageOS for microG" got you covered already, just check out their repository.


As I'm not gonna cover the part about how you normally make a working ROM for your device, just make sure you can get a booting and working build before you try.

Syncing needed stuff

  1. So, you probably already know how to make use of "local_manifests", now add this prebuilt repo for microG to the xml file. For example:
    <project name="lineageos4microg/android_prebuilts_prebuiltapks" path="prebuilts/prebuiltapks" remote="github" revision="master" />

Update: vachounet@Telegram from OmniROM group mentioned that there's another repo with more useful changes, check here, you can include and skip step one from next section if you want all stuff included in your build.

  1. Sync ROM source like you usually do

Prepare your tree

  1. Let's start with the easy one, simply add the following to your device tree .mk file where you normally add PRODUCT_PACKAGES to:
    # microG
        GmsCore \
        GsfProxy \
        MozillaNlpBackend \
        OpenWeatherMapWeatherProvider \
        FDroid \
        FakeStore \ \ \

  1. Now, as you may heard, microG requires signature spoofing patch for frameworks_base to let apps recognize microG as GMS so that you can receive push notifications, grab patch from here, just the one that matches the Android version that you're about to build, use patch for P if you're building Q for now.
    $ cd frameworks/base

    ## Special thanks vachounet@Telegram for mentioning these 2
    ## Only run merge 2 commits if you're building Android Q
    $ git fetch "" refs/changes/29/36729/4 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
    $ pushd ../../packages/apps/PermissionController # for LineageOS, location may vary for different ROMs
    $ git fetch "" refs/changes/30/36730/3 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

    ## Now grab basic patch for microG
    $ wget

    $ patch -p1 < android_frameworks_base-P.patch
    ## maybe some hunk succeed and some may fail here, resolve it manually if failed

    $ git status
    ## You'll probably see some .orig and .rej files generated when patching, remove it manually
  1. To make network location working, we need to set 2 boolean values in Android framework xml file that controls network location provider behavior,

    • Add the content below to your overlay xml(recommended - if you don't know anything about overlay, read the next paragraph), or use your favorite text editor to open (ROM dir.)/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml then set respective boolean to true
    <!-- From -->
    <!-- Force-enable the location overlays -->
    <bool name="config_enableNetworkLocationOverlay" translatable="false">true</bool>
    <bool name="config_enableFusedLocationOverlay" translatable="false">true</bool>
  • As this is just a quick guide to adding needed overlay to your device tree here, try DuckDuckGo if you want to learn more
  • Let's start with checking if you already have overlay in device tree and add it if you don't.
    ## Go to your device tree dictionary
    $ cd device/(vendor)/(codename)

    ## Check if there's a dictionary named "overlay" there,
    ## if it exists skip the following in this code block
    $ ls overlay

    ## Open one of the already included Makefile, like the one where you do step 1 of this section
    $ vim
    ## Add next line to the Makefile(without "##", and change "(vendor)"
    ## and "(codename)" to match your device tree path)
    ## DEVICE\_PACKAGE\_OVERLAYS += device/(vendor)/(codename)/overlay

    ## Create dictionary to "overlay" the Android framework
    $ mkdir -p overlay/frameworks/base/res/res/values
  • Now we're nearly finished, just have to add the boolean values to the overlay
    ## Open the file to set the 2 boolean values
    $ vim overlay/frameworks/base/res/res/values/config.xml

    ## Now there're two cases, there's already a "config.xml" and there's not,
    ## if you already have other values set in that "config.xml", just add the
    ## content above to the inside of "<resources>" tag, and you'll be good to go
    ## If you don't have existing "config.xml", grab it from the link below
  1. (optional - not supported on Android 10 at the time of writing) You can also grab Bromite WebView package from the release page, and replace the one in (ROM dir.)/external/chromium-webview/prebuilt/(target device cpu arch.)/webview.apk

[Optional] Google Play Store

Sometimes it's tricky to install Play Store manually, as recent Android version need a permission whitelist xml for Play Store, for FakeStore, it's easy since it only needs android.permission.FAKE_PACKAGE_SIGNATURE (source)

For the Play Store apk, you may obtain it from various sources, like APKMirror(original) , shadow53(patched) and Lucky P-something. In my experience, different apk source may have different permissions (as the version varies?), there won't be too much differences, but in case you missed any one of the permissions, you'll experience bootloop, check logcat and you'll see what's missing. (Tip: Grab the whitelist xml from shadow53's package as a quick start)

  • First one is to simply replace the apk and xml file in FakeStore directory
  • Another one is cleaner, here we go:
 ## Assume you're in $TOP dictionary of ROM source
 $ cd prebuilts; mkdir Phonesky && cd Phonesky
 ## I have written the for you, grab it with the command below
 $ wget

Put Play Store apk in current dictionary and rename to "", then replace the FakeStore include to Phonesky in your makefile.

Happy building!

Just run your favorite build command now! Easy, right?

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := Phonesky
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- From -->
<!-- Force-enable the location overlays -->
<bool name="config_enableNetworkLocationOverlay" translatable="false">true</bool>
<bool name="config_enableFusedLocationOverlay" translatable="false">true</bool>
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olodar commented Nov 8, 2021

Hi. It is not working, after first merge trying I'm getting error:

 * branch                      refs/changes/29/36729/4 -> FETCH_HEAD
CONFLICT (modify/delete): core/res/res/values/custom_strings.xml deleted in HEAD and modified in d08691d06b13... AndroidManifest: add a permission group for signature spoofing. Version d08691d06b13... AndroidManifest: add a permission group for signature spoofing of core/res/res/values/custom_strings.xml left in tree.
Auto-merging core/res/AndroidManifest.xml
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in core/res/AndroidManifest.xml
error: could not apply d08691d06b13... AndroidManifest: add a permission group for signature spoofing
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'
Recorded preimage for 'core/res/AndroidManifest.xml'

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dic1911 commented Nov 8, 2021

Hi @olodar , since it has been more than a year after I wrote this, and quite some more time after the patch was made, it's normal to have merge conflict when building for different ROMs.

If you're sure that you were patching the right repository, you need to figure out how to solve the merge conflict by yourself

(Maybe learn some programming-related knowledge first if you don't know what to do, DuckDuckGo is your friend :) )

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