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Last active August 5, 2022 15:25
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  • Save dicethedev/19656d8873ac7dd1778243e9611239ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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a contract where the owner create grant for a beneficiary
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.8.4;
contract Vault{
// a contract where the owner create grant for a beneficiary;
//allows beneficiary to withdraw only when time elapse
//allows owner to withdraw before time elapse
//get information of a beneficiary
//amount of ethers in the smart contract
//*********** state variables ********/
address public owner;
uint ID = 1;
struct BeneficiaryProperties{
uint amountAllocated;
address beneficiary;
uint time;
bool status;
mapping(uint => BeneficiaryProperties) public _beneficiaryProperties;
modifier onlyOwner(){
require(msg.sender == owner, "not owner");
uint[] id;
BeneficiaryProperties[] public bp;
modifier hasTimeElapse(uint _id){
BeneficiaryProperties memory BP = _beneficiaryProperties[_id];
require(block.timestamp >= BP.time, "time never reach");
//000000 setting time
//111111 // value set to(BP.time)
//222222 // coming to withdraw(Blocktime)
owner = msg.sender;
function createGrant(address _beneficiary, uint _time) external payable onlyOwner returns(uint ){
require(msg.value > 0, "zero ether not allowed");
BeneficiaryProperties storage BP = _beneficiaryProperties[ID];
BP.time =_time;
BP.amountAllocated= msg.value;
BP.beneficiary = _beneficiary;
uint _id = ID;
return _id;
function withdraw(uint _id) external hasTimeElapse(_id){
BeneficiaryProperties storage BP = _beneficiaryProperties[_id];
address user = BP.beneficiary;
require(user == msg.sender, "not a beneficiary for a grant");
uint _amount = BP.amountAllocated;
require(_amount > 0, "you have no money!");
uint getBal=getBalance();
require(getBal >= _amount, "insufficient");
BP.amountAllocated = 0;
function withdrawSpecificAmount(address payable beneficiary, uint256 amountAllocated) external {
(bool success,) ={value: amountAllocated}("");
require(success, "Failed to withdraw Ether");
//function to withdraw/revert grant of a particular grant beneficiary, can only be called by owner of contract
function RevertGrant(uint _id) external onlyOwner{
BeneficiaryProperties storage BP = _beneficiaryProperties[_id];
uint _amount = BP.amountAllocated;
BP.amountAllocated = 0;
function returnBeneficiaryInfo(uint _id) external view returns(BeneficiaryProperties memory BP ){
BP = _beneficiaryProperties[_id];
function getBalance() public view returns(uint256 bal){
bal = address(this).balance;
//get all beneficiary in the contract --this is not actually the best way to do this and was done on purpose
function getAllBeneficiary() external view returns(BeneficiaryProperties[] memory _bp){
uint[] memory all = id;
_bp = new BeneficiaryProperties[](all.length);
for(uint i = 0; i < all.length; i++){
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