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Created August 25, 2018 04:22
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你不知道的Virtual DOM(二)
body { margin: 0; font-size: 24; font-family: sans-serif }
.li-1 { background: red }
.li-2 { background: green }
.li-3 { background: yellow }
.li-4 { background: purple }
.li-0 { background: gray }
<script src="compiled.js"></script>
<main id="main"></main>
var main = document.getElementById('main')
const doc = document;
const nodePatchTypes = {
CREATE: 'create node',
REMOVE: 'remove node',
REPLACE: 'replace node',
UPDATE: 'update node'
const propPatchTypes = {
REMOVE: 'remove prop',
UPDATE: 'update prop'
let state = {
num: 5
let timer;
let preVDom;
function setState(newState) {
state = {...state, ...newState};
function flatten(arr) {
return []
.apply([], arr)
// 生成vdom
function h(tag, props, ...children) {
return {
props: props || {},
children: flatten(children) || []
function view() {
return (
Hello World
// 生成元素为0到n-1的数组
.map( i => (
<li id={i} class={`li-${i}`}>
第{i * state.num}
// 创建dom元素
function createElement(vdom) {
// 如果vdom是字符串或者数字类型,则创建文本节点,比如“Hello World”
if (typeof vdom === 'string' || typeof vdom === 'number') {
return doc.createTextNode(vdom);
const {tag, props, children} = vdom;
// 1. 创建元素
const element = doc.createElement(tag);
// 2. 属性赋值
setProps(element, props);
// 3. 创建子元素
return element;
// 属性赋值
function setProps(element, props) {
for (let key in props) {
element.setAttribute(key, props[key]);
* [{
* type,
* key,
* value
* }]
// 比较props的变化
function diffProps(oldVDom, newVDom) {
const patches = [];
const allProps = {...oldVDom.props, ...newVDom.props};
// 获取新旧所有属性名后,再逐一判断新旧属性值
Object.keys(allProps).forEach((key) => {
const oldValue = oldVDom.props[key];
const newValue = newVDom.props[key];
// 删除属性
if (newValue == undefined) {
type: propPatchTypes.REMOVE,
// 更新属性
else if (oldValue == undefined || oldValue !== newValue) {
type: propPatchTypes.UPDATE,
value: newValue
return patches;
// 比较children的变化
function diffChildren(oldVDom, newVDom) {
const patches = [];
// 获取子元素最大长度
const childLength = Math.max(oldVDom.children.length, newVDom.children.length);
// 遍历并diff子元素
for (let i = 0; i < childLength; i++) {
patches.push(diff(oldVDom.children[i], newVDom.children[i]));
return patches;
* {
* type,
* vdom,
* props,
* children
* }
function diff(oldVDom, newVDom) {
// 新建node
if (oldVDom == undefined) {
return {
type: nodePatchTypes.CREATE,
vdom: newVDom
// 删除node
if (newVDom == undefined) {
return {
type: nodePatchTypes.REMOVE
// 替换node
if (
typeof oldVDom !== typeof newVDom ||
((typeof oldVDom === 'string' || typeof oldVDom === 'number') && oldVDom !== newVDom) ||
oldVDom.tag !== newVDom.tag
) {
return {
type: nodePatchTypes.REPLACE,
vdom: newVDom
// 更新node
if (oldVDom.tag) {
// 比较props的变化
const propsDiff = diffProps(oldVDom, newVDom);
// 比较children的变化
const childrenDiff = diffChildren(oldVDom, newVDom);
// 如果props或者children有变化,才需要更新
if (propsDiff.length > 0 || childrenDiff.some( patchObj => (patchObj !== undefined) )) {
return {
type: nodePatchTypes.UPDATE,
props: propsDiff,
children: childrenDiff
// 更新属性
function patchProps(element, props) {
if (!props) {
props.forEach( patchObj => {
// 删除属性
if (patchObj.type === propPatchTypes.REMOVE) {
// 更新或新建属性
else if (patchObj.type === propPatchTypes.UPDATE) {
element.setAttribute(patchObj.key, patchObj.value);
// 给dom打个补丁
function patch(parent, patchObj, index=0) {
if (!patchObj) {
// 新建元素
if (patchObj.type === nodePatchTypes.CREATE) {
return parent.appendChild(createElement(patchObj.vdom));
const element = parent.childNodes[index];
// 删除元素
if (patchObj.type === nodePatchTypes.REMOVE) {
return parent.removeChild(element);
// 替换元素
if (patchObj.type === nodePatchTypes.REPLACE) {
return parent.replaceChild(createElement(patchObj.vdom), element);
// 更新元素
if (patchObj.type === nodePatchTypes.UPDATE) {
const {props, children} = patchObj;
// 更新属性
patchProps(element, props);
// 更新子元素
children.forEach( (patchObj, i) => {
// 更新子元素时,需要将子元素的序号传入
patch(element, patchObj, i)
function tick(element) {
if (state.num > 20) {
const newVDom = view();
// 生成差异对象
const patchObj = diff(preVDom, newVDom);
preVDom = newVDom;
// 给dom打个补丁
patch(element, patchObj);
function render(element) {
// 初始化的VD
const vdom = view();
preVDom = vdom;
const dom = createElement(vdom);
// 每500毫秒改变一次state,并生成VD
timer = setInterval(() => {
state.num += 1;
}, 500);
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