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Created March 10, 2019 09:44
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Org Chart Editor</title>
<meta name="description" content="An organization chart editor -- edit details and change relationships." />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<!-- Copyright 1998-2019 by Northwoods Software Corporation. -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script> <!-- this is only for the GoJS Samples framework -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../extensions/dataInspector.css" />
<script src=""></script>
<script id="code">
function init() {
if (window.goSamples) goSamples(); // init for these samples -- you don't need to call this
var $ = go.GraphObject.make; // for conciseness in defining templates
myDiagram =
$(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv", // must be the ID or reference to div
maxSelectionCount: 1, // users can select only one part at a time
validCycle: go.Diagram.CycleDestinationTree, // make sure users can only create trees
"clickCreatingTool.archetypeNodeData": { // allow double-click in background to create a new node
name: "(new person)",
title: "",
comments: ""
"clickCreatingTool.insertPart": function(loc) { // scroll to the new node
var node =, loc);
if (node !== null) {;
return node;
treeStyle: go.TreeLayout.StyleLastParents,
arrangement: go.TreeLayout.ArrangementHorizontal,
// properties for most of the tree:
angle: 90,
layerSpacing: 35,
// properties for the "last parents":
alternateAngle: 90,
alternateLayerSpacing: 35,
alternateAlignment: go.TreeLayout.AlignmentBus,
alternateNodeSpacing: 20
"undoManager.isEnabled": true // enable undo & redo
// when the document is modified, add a "*" to the title and enable the "Save" button
myDiagram.addDiagramListener("Modified", function(e) {
var button = document.getElementById("SaveButton");
if (button) button.disabled = !myDiagram.isModified;
var idx = document.title.indexOf("*");
if (myDiagram.isModified) {
if (idx < 0) document.title += "*";
} else {
if (idx >= 0) document.title = document.title.substr(0, idx);
// manage boss info manually when a node or link is deleted from the diagram
myDiagram.addDiagramListener("SelectionDeleting", function(e) {
var part = e.subject.first(); // e.subject is the myDiagram.selection collection,
// so we'll get the first since we know we only have one selection
myDiagram.startTransaction("clear boss");
if (part instanceof go.Node) {
var it = part.findTreeChildrenNodes(); // find all child nodes
while ( { // now iterate through them and clear out the boss information
var child = it.value;
var bossText = child.findObject("boss"); // since the boss TextBlock is named, we can access it by name
if (bossText === null) return;
bossText.text = "";
} else if (part instanceof go.Link) {
var child = part.toNode;
var bossText = child.findObject("boss"); // since the boss TextBlock is named, we can access it by name
if (bossText === null) return;
bossText.text = "";
myDiagram.commitTransaction("clear boss");
var levelColors = ["#AC193D", "#2672EC", "#8C0095", "#5133AB",
"#008299", "#D24726", "#008A00", "#094AB2"];
// override TreeLayout.commitNodes to also modify the background brush based on the tree depth level
myDiagram.layout.commitNodes = function() {; // do the standard behavior
// then go through all of the vertexes and set their corresponding node's Shape.fill
// to a brush dependent on the TreeVertex.level value {
if (v.node) {
var level = v.level % (levelColors.length);
var color = levelColors[level];
var shape = v.node.findObject("SHAPE");
if (shape) shape.fill = $(go.Brush, "Linear", { 0: color, 1: go.Brush.lightenBy(color, 0.05), start: go.Spot.Left, end: go.Spot.Right });
// when a node is double-clicked, add a child to it
function nodeDoubleClick(e, obj) {
var clicked = obj.part;
if (clicked !== null) {
var thisemp =;
myDiagram.startTransaction("add employee");
var newemp = {
name: "(new person)",
title: "",
comments: "",
parent: thisemp.key
myDiagram.commitTransaction("add employee");
// this is used to determine feedback during drags
function mayWorkFor(node1, node2) {
if (!(node1 instanceof go.Node)) return false; // must be a Node
if (node1 === node2) return false; // cannot work for yourself
if (node2.isInTreeOf(node1)) return false; // cannot work for someone who works for you
return true;
// This function provides a common style for most of the TextBlocks.
// Some of these values may be overridden in a particular TextBlock.
function textStyle() {
return { font: "9pt Segoe UI,sans-serif", stroke: "white" };
// This converter is used by the Picture.
function findHeadShot(key) {
if (key < 0 || key > 16) return "images/HSnopic.png"; // There are only 16 images on the server
return "images/HS" + key + ".png"
// define the Node template
myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
$(go.Node, "Auto",
{ doubleClick: nodeDoubleClick },
{ // handle dragging a Node onto a Node to (maybe) change the reporting relationship
mouseDragEnter: function(e, node, prev) {
var diagram = node.diagram;
var selnode = diagram.selection.first();
if (!mayWorkFor(selnode, node)) return;
var shape = node.findObject("SHAPE");
if (shape) {
shape._prevFill = shape.fill; // remember the original brush
shape.fill = "darkred";
mouseDragLeave: function(e, node, next) {
var shape = node.findObject("SHAPE");
if (shape && shape._prevFill) {
shape.fill = shape._prevFill; // restore the original brush
mouseDrop: function(e, node) {
var diagram = node.diagram;
var selnode = diagram.selection.first(); // assume just one Node in selection
if (mayWorkFor(selnode, node)) {
// find any existing link into the selected node
var link = selnode.findTreeParentLink();
if (link !== null) { // reconnect any existing link
link.fromNode = node;
} else { // else create a new link
diagram.toolManager.linkingTool.insertLink(node, node.port, selnode, selnode.port);
// for sorting, have the Node.text be the
new go.Binding("text", "name"),
// bind the Part.layerName to control the Node's layer depending on whether it isSelected
new go.Binding("layerName", "isSelected", function(sel) { return sel ? "Foreground" : ""; }).ofObject(),
// define the node's outer shape
$(go.Shape, "Rectangle",
name: "SHAPE", fill: "white", stroke: null,
// set the port properties:
portId: "", fromLinkable: true, toLinkable: true, cursor: "pointer"
$(go.Panel, "Horizontal",
name: "Picture",
desiredSize: new go.Size(39, 50),
margin: new go.Margin(6, 8, 6, 10),
new go.Binding("source", "key", findHeadShot)),
// define the panel where the text will appear
$(go.Panel, "Table",
maxSize: new go.Size(150, 999),
margin: new go.Margin(6, 10, 0, 3),
defaultAlignment: go.Spot.Left
$(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 2, width: 4 }),
$(go.TextBlock, textStyle(), // the name
row: 0, column: 0, columnSpan: 5,
font: "12pt Segoe UI,sans-serif",
editable: true, isMultiline: false,
minSize: new go.Size(10, 16)
new go.Binding("text", "name").makeTwoWay()),
$(go.TextBlock, "Title: ", textStyle(),
{ row: 1, column: 0 }),
$(go.TextBlock, textStyle(),
row: 1, column: 1, columnSpan: 4,
editable: true, isMultiline: false,
minSize: new go.Size(10, 14),
margin: new go.Margin(0, 0, 0, 3)
new go.Binding("text", "title").makeTwoWay()),
$(go.TextBlock, textStyle(),
{ row: 2, column: 0 },
new go.Binding("text", "key", function(v) { return "ID: " + v; })),
$(go.TextBlock, textStyle(),
{ name: "boss", row: 2, column: 3, }, // we include a name so we can access this TextBlock when deleting Nodes/Links
new go.Binding("text", "parent", function(v) { return "Boss: " + v; })),
$(go.TextBlock, textStyle(), // the comments
row: 3, column: 0, columnSpan: 5,
font: "italic 9pt sans-serif",
wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit,
editable: true, // by default newlines are allowed
minSize: new go.Size(10, 14)
new go.Binding("text", "comments").makeTwoWay())
) // end Table Panel
) // end Horizontal Panel
); // end Node
// the context menu allows users to make a position vacant,
// remove a role and reassign the subtree, or remove a department
myDiagram.nodeTemplate.contextMenu =
$(go.TextBlock, "Vacate Position"),
click: function(e, obj) {
var node = obj.part.adornedPart;
if (node !== null) {
var thisemp =;
// update the key, name, and comments
myDiagram.model.setDataProperty(thisemp, "name", "(Vacant)");
myDiagram.model.setDataProperty(thisemp, "comments", "");
$(go.TextBlock, "Remove Role"),
click: function(e, obj) {
// reparent the subtree to this node's boss, then remove the node
var node = obj.part.adornedPart;
if (node !== null) {
myDiagram.startTransaction("reparent remove");
var chl = node.findTreeChildrenNodes();
// iterate through the children and set their parent key to our selected node's parent key
while ( {
var emp = chl.value;
myDiagram.model.setParentKeyForNodeData(, node.findTreeParentNode().data.key);
// and now remove the selected node itself
myDiagram.commitTransaction("reparent remove");
$(go.TextBlock, "Remove Department"),
click: function(e, obj) {
// remove the whole subtree, including the node itself
var node = obj.part.adornedPart;
if (node !== null) {
myDiagram.startTransaction("remove dept");
myDiagram.commitTransaction("remove dept");
// define the Link template
myDiagram.linkTemplate =
$(go.Link, go.Link.Orthogonal,
{ corner: 5, relinkableFrom: true, relinkableTo: true },
$(go.Shape, { strokeWidth: 4, stroke: "#00a4a4" })); // the link shape
// read in the JSON-format data from the "mySavedModel" element
// support editing the properties of the selected person in HTML
if (window.Inspector) myInspector = new Inspector("myInspector", myDiagram,
properties: {
"key": { readOnly: true },
"comments": {}
// Show the diagram's model in JSON format
function save() {
document.getElementById("mySavedModel").value = myDiagram.model.toJson();
myDiagram.isModified = false;
function load() {
myDiagram.model = go.Model.fromJson(document.getElementById("mySavedModel").value);
// make sure new data keys are unique positive integers
var lastkey = 1;
myDiagram.model.makeUniqueKeyFunction = function(model, data) {
var k = data.key || lastkey;
while (model.findNodeDataForKey(k)) k++;
data.key = lastkey = k;
return k;
<body onload="init()">
<div id="sample">
<div id="myDiagramDiv" style="background-color: #696969; border: solid 1px black; height: 500px"></div>
<div id="myInspector">
This editable organizational chart sample color-codes the Nodes according to the tree level in the hierarchy.
Double click on a node in order to add a person or the diagram background to add a new boss. Double clicking the diagram uses the <a>ClickCreatingTool</a>
with a custom <a>ClickCreatingTool.insertPart</a> to scroll to the new node and start editing the <a>TextBlock</a> for its name .
Drag a node onto another in order to change relationships.
You can also draw a link from a node's background to other nodes that have no "boss". Links can also be relinked to change relationships.
Right-click or tap-hold a Node to bring up a context menu which allows you to:
<li>Vacate Position - remove the information specfic to the current person in that role</li>
<li>Remove Role - removes the role entirely and reparents any children</li>
<li>Remove Department - removes the role and the whole subtree</li>
Deleting a Node or Link will orphan the child Nodes and generate a new tree. A custom SelectionDeleting <a>DiagramEvent</a> listener will clear out the boss info
when the parent is removed.
Select a node to edit/update node data values. This sample uses the <a href="../extensions/dataInspector.html">Data Inspector</a> extension to display and modify Part data.
To learn how to build an org chart from scratch with GoJS, see the <a href="../learn/index.html">Getting Started tutorial</a>.
If you want to have some "assistant" nodes on the side, above the regular reports,
see the <a href="orgChartAssistants.html">Org Chart Assistants</a> sample, which is a copy of this sample
that uses a custom <a>TreeLayout</a> to position "assistants" that way.
<button id="SaveButton" onclick="save()">Save</button>
<button onclick="load()">Load</button>
Diagram Model saved in JSON format:
<textarea id="mySavedModel" style="width:100%;height:250px">
{ "class": "go.TreeModel",
"nodeDataArray": [
{"key":1, "name":"Stella Payne Diaz", "title":"CEO"},
{"key":2, "name":"Luke Warm", "title":"VP Marketing/Sales", "parent":1},
{"key":3, "name":"Meg Meehan Hoffa", "title":"Sales", "parent":2},
{"key":4, "name":"Peggy Flaming", "title":"VP Engineering", "parent":1},
{"key":5, "name":"Saul Wellingood", "title":"Manufacturing", "parent":4},
{"key":6, "name":"Al Ligori", "title":"Marketing", "parent":2},
{"key":7, "name":"Dot Stubadd", "title":"Sales Rep", "parent":3},
{"key":8, "name":"Les Ismore", "title":"Project Mgr", "parent":5},
{"key":9, "name":"April Lynn Parris", "title":"Events Mgr", "parent":6},
{"key":10, "name":"Xavier Breath", "title":"Engineering", "parent":4},
{"key":11, "name":"Anita Hammer", "title":"Process", "parent":5},
{"key":12, "name":"Billy Aiken", "title":"Software", "parent":10},
{"key":13, "name":"Stan Wellback", "title":"Testing", "parent":10},
{"key":14, "name":"Marge Innovera", "title":"Hardware", "parent":10},
{"key":15, "name":"Evan Elpus", "title":"Quality", "parent":5},
{"key":16, "name":"Lotta B. Essen", "title":"Sales Rep", "parent":3}
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