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Last active January 18, 2018 19:49
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Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT) default server config
// server name
hostname "My TTT Server"
sv_contact "mail@localhost"
// rcon passsword
rcon_password "SuperSecretPassword"
// TTT config
//The length of the preparation phase that occurs after players spawn in and before traitors are selected and a new round
//begins. Specified in seconds. (30)
ttt_preptime_seconds 30
//The length of the preparation phase for only the first round after a map loads. It is useful to make this higher than
//ttt_preptime_seconds so that players do not have to sit out a round just because they loaded slightly too slowly.
ttt_firstpreptime 60 //def: 60
//The length of time after a round has ended before the next preparation phase begins. The round report is displayed at
//the start of this phase. During this phase, stats/points are no longer tracked.
ttt_posttime_seconds 30 //def: 30
//Round length
//Enables Haste Mode. In Haste Mode, the initial round time is short. Every death increases it by some amount. Puts pressure
//on traitors to keep things moving, which is more interesting for the innocent players. See below.
ttt_haste 1 //def: 1
//Replaces ttt_roundtime_minutes when Haste Mode is on. Sets the initial time limit. (Haste Mode only)
ttt_haste_starting_minutes 5 //def: 5
//Specifies the number of minutes that is added to the round time for each death. Setting this to 0.5 will result
//in 0.5 * 60 = 30 seconds being added. (Haste Mode only)
ttt_haste_minutes_per_death 0.5 //def: 0.5
//The time limit for each round, given in minutes, when Haste Mode is disabled.
ttt_roundtime_minutes 10 //def: 10
//Map switching and voting
//The max number of rounds until the map is switched.
ttt_round_limit 6 //def: 6
//The max number of minutes until the map is switched or a vote is started (see above).
ttt_time_limit_minutes 75 //def: 75
//Enables the use of your mapcycle.txt even if voting is enabled. Since GMod 13 no voting exists (at the time of writing),
//so this does nothing.
//ttt_always_use_mapcycle 0 //def: 0
//Traitor and Detective counts
//Percentage of total players that will be a traitor. The number of players will be multiplied by this number, and then
//rounded down. If the result is less than 1 or more than the player count, it is clamped to those values.
ttt_traitor_pct 0.25 //def: 0.25
//Maximum number of traitors. Customize this if you want to finetune the number of traitors at your server's max playercount,
//for example to make sure there are max 3 traitors on a 16 player server. By default there is basically no max.
ttt_traitor_max 32 //def: 32
//Percentage of total players that will be a detective (detective innocent). Handled similar to traitor_pct (rounded down etc).
ttt_detective_pct 0.13 //def: 0.13
//Maximum number of detectives. Can be used to cap or disable detectives.
ttt_detective_max 32 //def: 32
//Minimum number of players before detectives enter play. At lower playercounts it will be purely normal innocents vs traitors,
//at higher ones some innocents will be detective.
ttt_detective_min_players 10 //def: 10
//If a player's Karma falls below this point, his chances of being selected as detective are reduced.
ttt_detective_karma_min 600 //def: 600
//Maximum range within which a DNA sample of the killer is planted on the corpse of the victim.
ttt_killer_dna_range 550 //def: 550
//Killer's DNA samples time out depending on how near he was to the victim. After that time has passed, the sample cannot be
//gathered anymore. This cvar sets the time in seconds when the killer was 0 units away. The time is lower when the range was higher, via a falloff curve. Note that due to the shape of the curve the time can sink below 0 even if the killer is within range according to the ttt_killer_dna_range convar, if the basetime is too low.
ttt_killer_dna_basetime 100 //def: 100
//Voicechat battery
ttt_voice_drain 0 //def: 0
//Enables the voicechat battery feature. Voicechatting reduces a battery meter, when it's empty the player can't voicechat and
//must wait a few seconds for it to recharge.
//Battery drain per tick of voicechat for normal players. "Tick" refers to a game tick, ie. 1/66th of a second.
//When full the battery meter is at 100. With the power of math, we can see that the default setting allows you to speak
//continuously for 100 / (0.2 * 66) = 7.6 seconds before any recharging is needed.
ttt_voice_drain_normal 0.2 //def: 0.2
//Battery drain per tick of voicechat for both admins and Detectives. Set to 0 to allow infinite mic usage.
ttt_voice_drain_admin 0.05 //def: 0.05
//Battery recharge rate per tick of not voicechatting.
ttt_voice_drain_recharge 0.05 //def: 0.05
//Other gameplay settings
//Number of players that must be present before the round begins. This is checked before the preparation phase starts, and
//before the actual round begins.
ttt_minimum_players 2 //def: 2
//Enables damage after a round has ended. Kills are not recorded for scoring purposes, so it's a free for all.
ttt_postround_dm 0 //def: 0
//Experimental. Enables a feature that causes a player who is using his ironsights and is killed (by a gun, and not a headshot)
//to fire an inaccurate dying shot.
ttt_dyingshot 0 //def: 0
//Prevents the throwing of grenades during the preparation phase.
ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep 0 //def: 0
//Enables the carrying of weapons with the Magneto-stick. If you are experiencing crashes, try disabling this. When the pickup
//range is short, as it is by default, crashes seem very rare.
ttt_weapon_carrying 1 //def: 1
//Range at which weapons can be picked up for carrying with the Magneto-stick, see ttt_weapon_carrying.
ttt_weapon_carrying_range 50 //def: 50
//If 1, the Teleporter weapon will kill players standing on the teleport destination. If 0, the teleporter user will instead not
//be able to teleport if someone is in the way.
ttt_teleport_telefrags 0 //def: 0
//Lets traitors pin corpses to walls using the Magneto-stick. If you are experiencing lag due to the increased physics simulation
//required due to players moving ragdolls around often, it may be best to disable this.
ttt_ragdoll_pinning 1 //def: 1
//Lets non-traitor players pin corpses as well. Not recommended.
ttt_ragdoll_pinning_innocents 0 //def: 0
//Enables the karma system. Players start with a certain amount of karma, and lose it when they damage/kill "teammates" (ie. innocent
//if they're innocent, traitor if traitor). The amount you lose is dependent on the karma of the person you hurt or killed.
ttt_karma 1 //def: 1
//If enabled, the damage penalty increases more quickly as karma goes down. When strict is off, the damage penalty is very low when
//people stay above 800. Enabling strict mode makes karma play a larger role in discouraging any unnecessary kills, while disabling it results in a more "loose" game where karma only hurts players who constantly teamkill.
ttt_karma_strict 1 //def: 1
//Karma players start out with. If you want players to be able to "earn" a damage bonus, you could set this to 850 or so. Playing
//clean rounds will let them increase it to a 1000 and do a few percent more damage than a new player.
ttt_karma_starting 1000 //def: 1000
//Maximum karma a player can have. Note that increasing it above 1000 does not mean players with 1100 karma will get a damage bonus.
//It would just give them a "buffer" before they get a damage penalty.
ttt_karma_max 1000 //def: 1000
//The ratio of the damage that is used to compute how much of the victim's karma is subtracted from the attacker's. You can make
//penalties larger by slightly(!) increasing this, to eg. 0.0015, or smaller by reducing it.
ttt_karma_ratio 0.001 //def: 0.001
//All karma penalties are based on damage dealt. The kill penalty is just an extra amount of "damage" dealt when you kill someone.
//So if this was 100, and you headshot someone with a rifle, it would penalise you as if you dealt 200 damage.
ttt_karma_kill_penalty 15 //def: 15
//The base amount by which everyone's karma is "healed" at the end of every round.
ttt_karma_round_increment 5 //def: 5
//If a player has not hurt or killed a teammate this round, he will be "healed" an extra 30 karma (for a total of 35, under default
//settings). So if you have bad karma it is rewarding to lie low.
ttt_karma_clean_bonus 30 //def: 30
//Like ttt_karma_ratio, but for the karma reward for damaging a traitor. By default damaging a traitor is rewarded roughly 1/4th of
//the penalty you'd get if it were a full-karma innocent.
ttt_karma_traitordmg_ratio 0.0003 //def: 0.0003
//Bonus karma for killing a traitor. Scaled by the traitordmg_ratio.
ttt_karma_traitorkill_bonus 40 //def: 40
//Automatically kick players who get a low karma level at the end of a round.
ttt_karma_low_autokick 1 //def: 1
//The karma threshold at which players get kicked.
ttt_karma_low_amount 450 //def: 450
//When autokicking, also ban players if this is enabled. No effect if autokick is off.
ttt_karma_low_ban 1 //def: 1
//Minutes to ban players, 0 should be perma. Of course has no effect if banning is off.
ttt_karma_low_ban_minutes 60 //def: 60
//Stores the karma of a player in persistent storage, at the end of the round or if they disconnect. Then upon reconnection it will
//be loaded. This means the karma will persist even when the map changes.
ttt_karma_persist 0 //def: 0
//Enables debug output to console about karma changes.
ttt_karma_debugspam 0 //def: 0
//When a player's Karma is above the starting level (meaning the karma max has been configured to be higher than that), all his karma
//increases will be reduced based on how far his karma is above that starting level. So it goes up slower the higher it is.
//This reduction goes in a curve of exponential decay: initially it's fast, and it slows down as the increment gets smaller. This
//convar sets at what point the bonus has been halved (so the half-life). With the default value of 0.25, if a the starting amount
//of karma is 1000 and the max 1500, and a player has karma 1125 ((1500 - 1000) * 0.25 = 125), then his clean round bonus will
//be 30 / 2 = 15. So to make the bonus go down faster you'd set this convar lower, to make it go down slower you'd increase it towards 1.
ttt_karma_clean_half 0.25 //def: 0.25
//Toggles whether weapon scripts will be used. These .txt files in the /maps/ folder can be used to override or add weapon, ammo and
//player spawnpoints in a map. This is very useful for CS:S or HL2DM maps.
ttt_use_weapon_spawn_scripts 1 //def: 1
//Traitor credits
//Number of credits traitors start with. Traitors can spend credits on special equipment.
ttt_credits_starting 2 //def: 2
//When this percentage of the innocent players are dead, traitors are awarded more credits.
ttt_credits_award_pct 0.35 //def: 0.35
//The number of credits awarded.
ttt_credits_award_size 1 //def: 1
//Whether the credit award is handed out multiple times. if for example you set the percentage to 0.25, and enable this, traitors
//will be awarded credits at 25% killed, 50% killed, and 75% killed.
ttt_credits_award_repeat 1 //def: 1
//Number of credits a traitor receives when he kills a detective (detective) player.
ttt_credits_detectivekill 1 //def: 1
//Detective credits
//Number of credits detective players start with.
ttt_det_credits_starting 1 //def: 1
//Number of credits detectives receive when they kill a traitor.
ttt_det_credits_traitorkill 0 //def: 0
//Number of credits detectives receive when a traitor dies, no matter what killed him.
ttt_det_credits_traitordead 1 //def: 1
//Prop possession
//Toggle whether spectators can possess props.
ttt_spec_prop_control 1 //def: 1
//Number of prop punches in a filled punch-o-meter with no score modifier.
ttt_spec_prop_base 8 //def: 8
//Maximum decrease of the punch-o-meter limit for a negative score.
ttt_spec_prop_maxpenalty -6 //def: -6
//Maximum increase of the punch-o-meter limit for a positive score.
ttt_spec_prop_maxbonus 16 //def: 16
//Amount of force by which each punch moves the prop.
ttt_spec_prop_force 110 //def: 110
//Number of seconds for one point in the punch-o-meter to recharge.
ttt_spec_prop_rechargetime 1 //def: 1
//Time in seconds a player is allowed to be idle after a round has started before he is moved to spectator.
ttt_idle_limit 180 //def: 180
//Check for name changes during an active round, and kick players who did one.
ttt_namechange_kick 1 //def: 1
//Time in minutes to ban players who changed their name. Set to 0 to disable.
ttt_namechange_bantime 10 //def: 10
//Specifies how automatic bans made by TTT (low karma, namechange, etc) should be performed. This lets you specify whether TTT should
//use an admin plugin to ban, which can then make it easier to remove or adjust those bans using your admin plugin's interface.
ttt_ban_type autodetect
//def: autodetect: Will detect the Lua-based plugins ULX and Evolve if present, else it will use standard "banid" bans.
//ulx: Force the use of ULX/Ulib to ban.
//evolve: Force the use of Evolve to ban.
//sm: Will use Sourcemod's sm_ban command. Note that SM is not auto-detected.
//gmod: Uses standard "banid" to ban.
//Enable to make detectives get a special hat. May be buggy.
ttt_detective_hats 0 //def: 0
//Sets player coloring mode. 0 = off, 1 = muted/dark colors only, 2 = select from a larger list of colors including brighter ones,
//3 = fully random colors.
ttt_playercolor_mode 1 //def: 1
//By default ragdolls will not collide with other ragdolls and some small physics objects (or doors set not to collide with debris).
//Enabling ragdoll collision will change that. Earlier versions of TTT had ragdoll collision, but this allowed griefers to create
//situations where ragdolls were physics-glitched to constantly collide, causing serious lag. Some maps may expect ragdolls to collide
//though. Use with care.
ttt_ragdoll_collide 0 //def: 0
//Bots are spawned as spectators and will never be traitor. Useful for sourceTV.
ttt_bots_are_spectators 0 //def: 0
//Prevents the round from ending, useful for testing on your own, but little else.
ttt_debug_preventwin 0 //def: 0
//Toggles locational 3D voicechat sound for living players.
ttt_locational_voice 0 //def: 0
//Enable to make the Discombobulator push force reliable for the thrower. This means you can easily perform discomb jumps, which is
//fun but exploitable on certain maps.
ttt_allow_discomb_jump 0 //def: 0
//If 0, spawns all players at once, and will attempt to rig extra spawnpoints if there are not enough. Can result in players spawning
//in walls. If larger than 0, spawns players in waves, where each wave spawns as many players as there are spawnpoints. The time between
//each wave is the value of the convar in seconds, so setting it to 5 will mean waves are 5 seconds apart. Spawn waves are probably the
//best method for large servers.
ttt_spawn_wave_interval 0 //def: 0
// server logging
log on
sv_logbans 1
sv_logecho 1
sv_logfile 1
sv_log_onefile 0
// operation
sv_lan 0
sv_region 3 //Europa
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg
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