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Last active December 20, 2022 18:57
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Extract and translate MKV subtitles
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Ruby script to extract and translate subtitles from MKV files from English to Portuguese (but you can customize this)
# Dependencies:
# 1. `gem install srt`
# 2. `brew install translate-shell mkvtoolnix`
# Usage:
# translate_subs.rb [FILE]
# Notice: it assumes the subtitles are on track index 3, which may change from file to file.
# Tracks can be checked using `mkvinfo file.mkv`
require 'shellwords'
require 'pathname'
require 'srt'
ARGV.each do |file|
path = Pathname(file)
en_srt = Shellwords.escape("#{path.basename('.*')}")
pt_srt = Shellwords.escape("#{path.basename('.*')}.srt")
`mkvextract tracks #{Shellwords.escape(file)} 3:#{en_srt}`
# Join split lines for better translation
srt = SRT::File.parse(
total = srt.lines.size
srt.lines.each_with_index do |l, idx|
l.text = [`trans -no-warn -no-autocorrect -brief en:pt-BR #{Shellwords.escape(l.text.join(' '))}`.strip]
printf("\r#{file} - %d%%", (idx + 1) * 100 / total)
printf("\r#{file} - %d%%", 100)
IO.write(pt_srt, srt.to_s)
`rm #{en_srt}`
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