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Last active June 23, 2021 03:09
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'use strict'
const Database = use('Database')
const Model = use('Model')
const Env = use('Env')
class Course extends Model {
static get computed () {
return ['thumbnailUrl']
static scopeOnlyAvailable (query, user_id, type) {
return query.whereHas('products.students', builder => {
.whereRaw('batches.starts_at <= current_timestamp')
.whereRaw('((current_date between purchases.start_date and purchases.end_date) or purchases.end_date is null)')
.where('', user_id)
.where('products.type', type)
static scopeFromUser (query, user_id, type) {
return query
.innerJoin('batches', 'batches.course_id', '')
.innerJoin('products', '', 'batches.product_id')
'join purchases on purchases.product_id = and purchases.user_id = ?',
Database.raw('batches.starts_at <= current_timestamp as available')
.where('products.type', type)
.whereRaw('((current_date between purchases.start_date and purchases.end_date) or purchases.end_date is null)')
static scopeWithLessons (query, user_id) {
return query.with('modules', builder => {
.whereExists(function () {
.innerJoin('products', '', 'batches.product_id')
'join purchases on purchases.product_id = and purchases.user_id = ?',
'left join modules previous_modules on previous_modules.course_id = modules.course_id and previous_modules."order" = modules."order" - 1'
// .joinRaw(
// 'left join challenge_deliveries on challenge_deliveries.module_id = and challenge_deliveries.user_id = ?',
// [user_id]
// )
.whereRaw('batches.course_id = modules.course_id')
`((batches.release_all = true and batches.starts_at <= current_timestamp) or (batches.starts_at + (modules."order" * batches.release_frequency * interval '1 day') <= current_timestamp))`
.with('lessons', builder => {
builder.orderBy('order').with('progress', builder => {
builder.where('progress.user_id', user_id)
products () {
return this.belongsToMany('App/Models/Product')
.withPivot(['release_frequency', 'release_all', 'starts_at'])
modules () {
return this.hasMany('App/Models/Module')
getThumbnailUrl ({ thumbnail }) {
const image = thumbnail || 'no-image.svg'
return `${Env.get('APP_URL')}/files/${image}`
module.exports = Course
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