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  • Save diegoazh/cf911f13bf08c24471c92fbe56ba4b0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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yarn with wercker - build step
- script:
name: install yarn
code: npm install -g yarn
- script:
name: report yarn version
code: yarn --version
- script:
name: set yarn cache
- script:
name: install dependencies
code: HOME=$YARN_CACHE yarn
- script:
name: test
code: yarn test:ci
- script:
name: coverage
code: yarn coverage
- script:
name: lint
code: yarn lint
- script:
name: build
code: yarn build
- script:
name: copy build output
code: cp -R build/ $WERCKER_OUTPUT_DIR
- script:
name: copy firebase config
code: cp firebase.json $WERCKER_OUTPUT_DIR
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