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Created March 5, 2011 06:59
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Solution to UVa 11235 using Schieber-Vishkin algorithm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define forn(i,n) for(i=0; i<(n); i++)
#define forsn(i,s,n) for(i=(s); i<(n); i++)
#define MAXN 100001
int N, A[MAXN], pi[MAXN], beta[MAXN], alfa[MAXN], tau[MAXN], lam[MAXN];
struct node {
int child, sib, parent;
#define CHILD(v) nodes[v].child
#define SIB(v) nodes[v].sib
#define PARENT(v) nodes[v].parent
void process(void) {
int u,v,p,h,n,t;
struct node *nodes = calloc(N+1,sizeof(*nodes));
/* make triply linked tree */
t = 0;
for(v=N; v>0; v--) {
u = 0;
while(A[v]>A[t] || (A[v]==A[t] && v>t)) {
u = t;
t = PARENT(t);
if(u) {
SIB(v) = SIB(u);
SIB(u) = 0;
PARENT(u) = v;
CHILD(v) = u;
} else
SIB(v) = CHILD(t);
CHILD(t) = v;
PARENT(v) = t;
t = v;
/* begin first traversal */
p = CHILD(0);
n = 0;
lam[0] = -1;
s3: /* compute beta in the easy case */
pi[p] = n;
tau[n] = 0;
lam[n] = 1+lam[n>>1];
if(CHILD(p)) {
p = CHILD(p);
goto s3;
beta[p] = n;
s4: /* compute tau, bottom-up */
tau[beta[p]] = PARENT(p);
if(SIB(p)) {
p = SIB(p);
goto s3;
p = PARENT(p);
/* compute beta in the hard case */
if(p) {
h = lam[n & -pi[p]];
beta[p] = ((n>>h)|1)<<h;
goto s4;
/* begin second traversal */
p = CHILD(0);
lam[0] = lam[n];
pi[0] = beta[0] = alfa[0] = 0;
s7: /* compute alfa, top-down */
alfa[p] = alfa[PARENT(p)] | (beta[p] & -beta[p]);
if(CHILD(p)) {
p = CHILD(p);
goto s7;
s8: /* continue to traverse */
if(SIB(p)) {
p = SIB(p);
goto s7;
} else {
p = PARENT(p);
if(p) goto s8;
int nca(int x, int y) {
int h,k,j,l,z;
/* find common height */
if(beta[x] <= beta[y])
h = lam[beta[y] & -beta[x]];
h = lam[beta[x] & -beta[y]];
/* find true height */
k = alfa[x] & alfa[y] & -(1<<h);
h = lam[k & -k];
/* find beta[z] */
j = ((beta[x] >> h)|1) << h;
/* find x' and y' */
if(j != beta[x]) {
l = lam[alfa[x] & ((1<<h)-1)];
x = tau[((beta[x] >> l)|1) << l];
if(j != beta[y]) {
l = lam[alfa[y] & ((1<<h)-1)];
y = tau[((beta[y] >> l)|1) << l];
/* find z */
z = (pi[x] <= pi[y]) ? x : y;
return z;
int max(int a, int b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
int main(void) {
int n,i,j,q,Q,x,y,oldx,count,z;
int R[MAXN],B[MAXN];
for(;;) {
scanf("%d", &n);
if(!n) break;
scanf("%d", &Q);
A[0] = INT_MAX;
N=1, count=0;
forsn(i,1,n+1) {
scanf("%d", &x);
if(i>1 && x!=oldx) {
A[N] = count;
R[N] = i;
count = 0;
B[i] = N;
oldx = x;
A[N] = count;
R[N] = i;
forn(q,Q) {
scanf("%d%d", &i, &j);
x=B[i], y=B[j];
if(x == y) {
z = j-i+1;
} else {
z = (x+1 != y) ? A[nca(x+1,y-1)] : 0;
z = max(z, max(R[x]-i, A[y]-R[y]+j+1));
printf("%d\n", z);
return 0;
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