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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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namespace Game
open System
open System.Diagnostics
module Cards =
type Suit = Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts | Spades
override x.ToString() =
match x with
| Clubs -> "♣"
| Diamonds -> "♦"
| Hearts -> "♥"
| Spades -> "♠"
type Rank = Ace | King | Queen | Jack | Number of int
override x.ToString() =
match x with
| Ace -> "A"
| King -> "K"
| Queen -> "Q"
| Jack -> "J"
| Number i -> string i
type Card = { Suit : Suit; Rank : Rank }
member x.AsString = sprintf "%s%s" (x.Suit.ToString()) (x.Rank.ToString())
let private rnd =
let r = new Random()
(fun max -> r.Next(max))
let private swap (arr : 'a array) x y =
let v = arr.[x]
arr.[x] <- arr.[y]
arr.[y] <- v
let private shuffle deck =
let arr = List.toArray deck
for i = arr.Length downto 2 do
swap arr (rnd i) (i - 1)
Array.toList arr
let deck =
[ for s in [Clubs; Diamonds; Hearts; Spades] do
yield { Suit = s; Rank = Ace}
for i in 2..10 do
yield { Suit = s; Rank = Number i }
for r in [King; Queen; Jack] do
yield { Suit = s; Rank = r } ]
let shuffledDeck () = shuffle deck
module Rummy =
open Cards
type Status = NotStarted | Playing | Victory | Defeat
type RummyGame =
{ Deck : Card list;
PlayerHand : Card list;
DiscardedCards : Card list;
Status : Status }
let private handSize = 7
let private start game =
let deck = game.Deck |> Seq.skip handSize |> Seq.toList
let playerHand = game.Deck |> Seq.take handSize |> Seq.toList
{ Deck = deck; PlayerHand = playerHand; DiscardedCards = []; Status = Playing }
let private deal (cards : 'a list) =
match cards with
| h :: t -> (h, t)
| [] -> failwith "cannot deal an empty deck"
let private toSets x =
|> Seq.groupBy (fun x -> x.Rank)
|> (fun (rank, cards) -> (rank, Seq.toList cards))
|> Seq.toList
let private score setCards discardedCards deckSize =
let deckCards = 4 - setCards - discardedCards
match setCards, deckCards with
| 4, _ -> 1.0 // Got a full set, highest score.
| _, 0 -> 0.0 // No cards on the deck, can't get a 4 card set.
| _ ->
// Calculates the probability of dealing in sequence,
// all the necessary cards for a full 4 card set.
let f p x =
let c = float (deckCards - x)
let d = float (deckSize - x)
p * (c / d)
[0 .. 3 - setCards]
|> List.fold f 1.0
let private countCards key (m : Map<_, 'a list>) =
match Map.tryFind key m with
| Some x -> List.length x
| None -> 0
let private wins (set : (Rank * Card list) list) =
match set.Length with
| 2 ->
// If we have only two sets and the number of cards
// amounts to handSize, it means we won.
let cards = set |> Seq.sumBy (fun (_, c) -> c.Length)
cards = handSize
| _ -> false
let private playRound game =
let card, deck = deal game.Deck
let playerHand = card :: game.PlayerHand
let deckSize = deck |> List.length
let discardCardsSet = Map (game.DiscardedCards |> toSets)
// Gets a list of sets ordered by score ascending.
// The smaller the score, the worst is the set.
let playerHandSets =
|> toSets
|> Seq.sortBy (fun (r,c) ->
let setCards = c.Length
let discardedCards = countCards r discardCardsSet
score setCards discardedCards deckSize)
|> Seq.toList
// Picks the first card of the worst set to be discarded.
let discardCard =
playerHandSets |> List.head |> snd |> List.head
let newPlayerHand =
|> List.choose (fun x -> if x <> discardCard then Some x else None)
let goodSets = List.tail playerHandSets
{ Deck = deck;
PlayerHand = newPlayerHand;
DiscardedCards = discardCard :: game.DiscardedCards;
Status = match goodSets |> wins, deck with
| true, _ -> Victory
| false, [] -> Defeat
| _ -> Playing }
let play game =
match game.Status with
| NotStarted -> start game
| Playing -> playRound game
| _ -> game
let rec playToEnd game =
seq { match game.Status with
| Victory | Defeat -> ()
| _ ->
let g = play game
yield g
yield! playToEnd g }
let create () =
{ Deck = shuffledDeck(); PlayerHand = []; DiscardedCards = []; Status = NotStarted }
module Program =
open System
let main argv =
let game = Rummy.create()
seq { yield game
yield! Rummy.playToEnd game }
|> Seq.iteri (fun i g ->
printfn "ROUND %i:" i
printfn "%A\n" g
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore)
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