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Created January 23, 2013 01:55
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Extending QueryBuilder
// Author: Tomas Petricek (, Diego Frata
open System.Linq
// Extend the standard QueryBuilder type with an additional
// custom operation (that must be expressed in terms of other
// query operations) and marked with ReflectedDefinition
type Linq.QueryBuilder with
[<ReflectedDefinition; CustomOperation("exactlyOneOrNone")>]
member __.ExactlyOneOrNone (source : Linq.QuerySource<'T, 'U>) : 'T option =
query.ExactlyOneOrDefault(query.Select(source, fun x -> Some x))
[<ReflectedDefinition; CustomOperation("headOrNone")>]
member __.HeadOrNone (source : Linq.QuerySource<'T, 'U>) : 'T option =
query.HeadOrDefault(query.Select(source, fun x -> Some x))
[<ReflectedDefinition; CustomOperation("lastOrNone")>]
member __.LastOrNone (source : Linq.QuerySource<'T, 'U>) : 'T option =
query.LastOrDefault(query.Select(source, fun x -> Some x))
module QueryExtensions =
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
/// Traverse a quotation and replace expressions according to 'f'
/// (see also
let rec traverseQuotation f q =
let q = defaultArg (f q) q
match q with
| ExprShape.ShapeCombination(a, args) ->
let nargs = args |> (traverseQuotation f)
ExprShape.RebuildShapeCombination(a, nargs)
| ExprShape.ShapeLambda(v, body) ->
Expr.Lambda(v, traverseQuotation f body)
| ExprShape.ShapeVar(v) ->
/// Store the original query.Run operation
let oldRun (e:Expr<'T>) = query.Run(e)
/// Add a new 'Run' method that first replaces 'exactlyOneOrNone'
/// (and other extensions) with their definition and then runs
/// the new quotation using previous 'oldRun' method
type Linq.QueryBuilder with
member this.Run (q: Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Expr<'T option>) : 'T option =
let q : Expr<'T option> =
q |> traverseQuotation (function
// Detects a call to an (instance) method that has the ReflectedDefinition attribute
// and replaces it with the body of the method (taken from Query.fs of FSharp.Core.dll)
| Patterns.Call(Some inst, DerivedPatterns.MethodWithReflectedDefinition(DerivedPatterns.Lambdas(vs, body)), args) ->
let args = inst::args
let tab =
List.map2 (fun (vs:Var list) arg ->
match vs, arg with
| [v], arg -> [(v, arg)] | vs, Patterns.NewTuple(args) -> vs args
| _ -> vs [arg]) vs args
|> List.concat
|> Map.ofSeq
let body = body.Substitute tab.TryFind
Some body
| _ -> None) |> Expr.Cast
// Example - now we can use 'exactlyOneOrNone'!
let data = List.empty<int>
let value = query { for v in data do
select v
exactlyOneOrNone }
match value with
| Some a -> printf "Some value %A" a
| None -> printf "None"
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