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Last active December 17, 2015 14:18
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Save diegofrata/5623033 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Validation Workflow
module RockSpot.Runtime.Validation
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open System
open System.Text
open FSharpx.Regex.Compiled
open FSharpx.Linq.QuotationEvaluation
type Test =
| Success
| Failure of string
type ValidationError =
{ Name : string;
Message : string }
type 'a Validation =
| Valid of 'a
| Invalid of 'a * ValidationError list
type SkipMode =
/// Won't skip any tests regardless of the state.
| Disabled
/// Will skip tests on properties and fields that
/// have failures.
| PerProperty
/// Will skip all remaining tests on encountering
/// the first failure.
| Enabled
module Operations =
let private unknownFieldName = "_"
let succeed x = Valid x
let failMany x errors = Invalid (x, errors)
let fail x error = failMany x (error :: [])
let bind skipMode func expr =
match expr with
| Valid a -> func a
| Invalid (a, errors) ->
match skipMode with
| Disabled ->
match func a with
| Valid _ -> expr
| Invalid (x, er) -> failMany x (List.head er :: errors)
| PerProperty ->
match func a with
| Valid _ -> expr
| Invalid (x, ers) ->
// Might implement a lookup dictionary to avoid
// traversing the entire list of errors.
let er = List.head ers
if er.Name <> unknownFieldName && List.exists (fun e -> e.Name = er.Name) errors then
failMany x (er :: errors)
| Enabled -> expr
let (|PropertyPath|_|) expr =
let rec propertyPath expr lst =
match expr with
| Patterns.PropertyGet (Some inst, pi, args) ->
propertyPath inst (pi.Name :: lst)
| Patterns.FieldGet (Some inst, fi) ->
propertyPath inst (fi.Name :: lst)
| _ ->
if List.isEmpty lst then None
else Some lst
let accumulate (sb : StringBuilder) (name : string) =
if sb.Length = 0 then sb.Append(name)
else sb.Append(".").Append(name)
match propertyPath expr [] with
| Some lst -> Some (lst |> List.fold accumulate (new StringBuilder()) |> toString)
| None -> None
let extractPath (propQ : 'a Expr) =
match propQ with
| PropertyPath path -> path
| Patterns.Value (_, ty) ->
if ty = typeof<'a> then unknownFieldName
else failwith (sprintf "Type mismatch, expected %s but found %s." typeof<'a>.Name ty.Name)
| _ -> failwith "Unsupported expression."
let run func name value entity =
match func value with
| Success -> succeed entity
| Failure msg -> fail entity { Name = name; Message = msg }
let evalAndRun func propQ entity =
let name = extractPath propQ
let value = propQ.Eval()
run func name value entity
let bindifyQuotation func propQ = fun entity ->
evalAndRun func propQ entity
let bindifyTest func = fun entity ->
run func unknownFieldName () entity
type ValidationBuilder<'a>(entity : 'a, skipMode) =
member this.Bind(comp, func) =
Operations.bind skipMode func comp
[<CustomOperation("external", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
member this.BindQuotation(comp, func, propQ) =
this.Bind(comp, (Operations.bindifyQuotation func propQ))
[<CustomOperation("adhoc", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
member this.BindTest(comp, [<ProjectionParameter>] func) =
this.Bind(comp, (Operations.bindifyTest func))
member this.Yield(value) =
Operations.succeed entity
let (|Valid|Invalid|) = function
| Validation.Valid _ -> Valid
| Validation.Invalid (_, errors) -> Invalid (List.rev errors)
let toException errors =
|> (fun e -> ArgumentException(e.Message, e.Name) :> Exception)
|> List.toSeq
|> (fun x -> AggregateException(x))
let validation (entity : 'a) skipMode = new ValidationBuilder<'a>(entity, skipMode)
module SkipDisabled =
let validation (entity : 'a) = validation entity Disabled
module SkipEnabled =
let validation (entity : 'a) = validation entity Enabled
module SkipPerProperty =
let validation (entity : 'a) = validation entity PerProperty
module Objects =
let required (value : obj) =
let fail () = Failure "Field is required."
if value |> isNull then fail()
elif value |> getType = typeof<string> &&
(value :?> string) |> isNullOrWhiteSpace then fail()
else Success
module ObjectsPervasives =
type ValidationBuilder<'a> with
member this.Required(comp, expr) =
this.BindQuotation(comp, Objects.required, expr)
module Options =
let optional func value =
let func = Option.bind (fun x -> if x |> isNotNull then Some (func x) else Some Success)
match func value with
| Some res -> res
| None -> Success
module OptionsPervasives =
type ValidationBuilder<'a> with
[<CustomOperation("option", MaintainsVariableSpace = true)>]
member this.BindOption(comp, func, propQ) =
this.Bind(comp, (Operations.bindifyQuotation (Options.optional func) propQ))
module Strings =
let minLength length (value : string) =
let value = trim value
if value.Length <= length then Success
else Failure (sprintf "The value must have at least %d characters." length)
let maxLength length (value : string) =
let value = trim value
if value.Length <= length then Success
else Failure (sprintf "The value must have at least %d characters." length)
let between min max (value : string) =
let value = trim value
if value.Length >= min && value.Length <= max then Success
else Failure (sprintf "The value must have between %d and %d charcters." min max)
let private emailRegex =
let email (value : string) =
let value = safe value
match value with
| Match emailRegex _ -> Success
| _ -> Failure "Invalid e-mail address."
module StringsPervasives =
type ValidationBuilder<'a> with
member this.MinLength(comp, expr, length) =
this.BindQuotation(comp, (Strings.minLength length), expr)
member this.MaxLength(comp, expr, length) =
this.BindQuotation(comp, (Strings.maxLength length), expr)
member this.MaxLength(comp, expr, min, max) =
this.BindQuotation(comp, (Strings.between min max), expr)
member this.Email(comp, expr) =
this.BindQuotation(comp,, expr)
module private Tests =
open SkipPerProperty
type User = { Name : string; Age : int; LastName : string option }
let validate ux = validation ux {
required <@ ux.Name @>
minLength <@ ux.Name @> 3
adhoc (if ux.Name = "Diego" then Success else Failure "Oops.")
external (Strings.between 10 20) <@ ux.Name @>
option (Strings.minLength 3) <@ ux.LastName @>
let print = function
| Valid -> printfn "Success\n\n"
| Invalid errors -> printfn "Errors: %A\n\n" errors
let validateAndPrint = validate >> print
let test () =
{ Name = "Diego"; Age = 26; LastName = None } |> validateAndPrint
{ Name = ""; Age = 26; LastName = Some "Frata" } |> validateAndPrint
{ Name = "Diego"; Age = 22; LastName = None } |> validateAndPrint
{ Name = ""; Age = 22; LastName = None } |> validateAndPrint
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