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Forked from audreym/ean_lookup
Created December 4, 2012 10:41
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test for ean price lookup
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.10.0;
use strict;
use Supers::Schema;
use Text::CSV;
use utf8;
use Encode;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
use Data::Types;
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
# ABSTRACT: script to export available zipcodes and prices for a given product (EAN)
# create excel workbook, add worksheet and formats
#initialize worksheet row and column counters
my $row = 2;
my $col = 0;
# create excel workbook for output
my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'products_porEAN_allzip.xlsx' );
die "Problems creating new Excel file: $!" unless defined $workbook;
# Add a worksheet to the workbook
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();
$worksheet->keep_leading_zeros(); # in case the EAN has leading zeros make sure the number is kept intact
$worksheet->set_header('&LSoysuper - Informe de Precios Por EAN &RActualizado &T'); #worksheet header
# format column widths of the worksheet
$worksheet->set_column( 'A:A', 50 );
$worksheet->set_column( 'B:C', 25 );
$worksheet->set_column( 'D:G', 20 );
$worksheet->set_column( 'H:J', 25 );
$worksheet->set_column( 'K:N', 20 );
# define formats to use throughout the worksheet
my $title_format = $workbook->add_format(font => 'Verdana', bold => 1, color => 'orange', align => 'center', size => 12 );
$title_format -> set_bottom(1);
my $cell_format = $workbook->add_format( num_format=> '##.##');
my $euroformat = $workbook->add_format();
$euroformat -> set_num_format( '€0,00' );
#my $format_preciobajo = $workbook->add_format( bold => 1, color => 'green' ); # format for lowest price in range
# input variables
my $eaninput = decode('utf8', shift) || die 'Need an EAN!'; # input is 1 product by ean
# EAN to use for testing 8410000807356;
my $product = Product->find_one({ ean => qr/$eaninput/i }) || die 'EAN not found'; # if EAN is wrong or doesn't exist then die
my @prodname = map( {$product->$_} qw/ name ean /); # get product comon name and write to worksheet
$worksheet->write( 'A1', \@prodname, $title_format );
# create array of second row column headers with special formatting title_format and write it to the worksheet
# CAREFUL!! order of supermarkets is HARD CODED and should keep the same order as in @supers !!!
my @supers = (qw/mercadona alcampo corteingles carrefour eroski condis/); #order of supermarkets is hard coded
[ "Provincia", "Código Postal", "Mercadona", "Alcampo", "El Corte Inglés", "Carrefour", "Eroski", "Condis" ],
# Precalculate all data available for this product
my $data = {};
for my $wh ($product->warehouses_available->all ) {
my $price = $product->get_price($wh);
for my $zip ( $wh->zipcodes->all ) {
$data->{$zip->code}{province} = $zip->province;
$data->{$zip->code}{price}{$wh->supermarket} = $price;
# All ready to dump the data into the worksheet!
for my $zipcode ( sort keys %$data ) {
my $zipdata = $data->{$zipcode};
my @datarow = ( $zipdata->{province}, $zipcode );
for my $super ( @supers ) {
if ( exists $zipdata->{price}{$super} ) {
push @datarow, $zipdata->{price}{$super}[0];
else {
push @datarow, 'na';
# write data to row of worksheet and appy cell format....
$worksheet->write( $row, 0, \@datarow );
$worksheet->set_row( $row, undef, $cell_format );
#close workbook properly
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