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Last active July 19, 2023 01:57
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package demointerviews.collection;
import java.util.*;
* You must improve the processing time of the "solution" method
public class ChallengeForInsideFor {
public static final long NUMBERS_OF_ITEMS = 100000;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ChallengeForInsideFor self = new ChallengeForInsideFor();
List<Customer> customersName = self.getCustomersName();
List<Customer> customersAge = self.getCustomersAge();
var start = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<Customer> solution = new Solution().solution(customersName, customersAge);
System.out.println("Time of solution method -> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
if( -> "ERROR".equals(it.ref()))) {
throw new RuntimeException("ERROR, elements didn't match");
private List<Customer> getCustomersName() {
var list = new ArrayList<Customer>();
for (int i = 1; i <= NUMBERS_OF_ITEMS; i++) {
new Customer(
(long) i, UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 4), null, i+""
return list;
private List<Customer> getCustomersAge() {
var list = new ArrayList<Customer>();
for (int i = 1; i <= NUMBERS_OF_ITEMS; i++) {
new Customer(
(long) i, null, new Random().nextInt(18, 82), i+""
return list;
record Customer(Long id, String name, Integer age, String ref) {}
class Solution {
public List<Customer> solution(List<Customer> listName, List<Customer> listAge) {
// TODO ==> You must fix only this method, keep solution method signatue
List<Customer> customersComplete = new ArrayList<Customer>();
for(var cName : listName) {
for (var cAge : listAge) {
if(Objects.equals(, {
new Customer(,,
cName.ref().equals(cAge.ref()) ? cName.ref() : "ERROR"
return customersComplete;
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