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Created November 11, 2018 03:06
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// componente botão que exibe um data table com os detalhes do bulk send.
<v-dialog v-model="bulkSendDialog" max-width="650px">
{{ t('more_info') }}
<span class="headline">
<div class="mgov-medium">
<p>{{ t('bulk_send_info_text') }}.</p>
<p style="color: red;">{{ t('bulk_send_info_text_status_rejected') }}.</p>
<template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
<td> <span v-if="props.item.contactName">{{ uppercase(props.item.contactName) }}</span></td>
<td> <span v-if="props.item.contactPhone"> {{ props.item.contactPhone }}</span></td>
<td> {{ props.item.message }} </td>
<td> <v-chip
>{{ getTranslatedStatus(uppercase(props.item.status)) }} </v-chip></td>
import FormatterMixin from '../mixins/formatter'
export default {
data () {
return {
bulkSendDialog: false,
headers: [],
list: []
props: ['bulkSendId'],
mixins: [FormatterMixin],
mounted () {
this.headers = [
{text: this.t('mainContactName'), sortable: true},
{text: this.t('phone'), sortable: false},
{text: this.t('message'), sortable: false},
{text: this.t('status'), sortable: true}
methods: {
requestBulkSendInformation (bulkSendId) {
this.$http.get(`${this.$store.getters.api_url}bulk_send/${bulkSendId}/sends/info`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.$store.getters.token}`
}).then((response) => {
this.$store.commit('addsBulkSendSends', response.body.sends)
this.list = [...response.body.sends]
}).then(function () {
getStatusColor (status) {
if (this.uppercase(status) === 'DELIVERED') {
return '#28a745'
if (this.uppercase(status) === 'REJECTED') {
return '#dc3545'
if (this.uppercase(status) === 'PENDING') {
return '#ffc107'
getTranslatedStatus (status) {
if (this.uppercase(status) === 'DELIVERED') {
return this.t('status_sent')
if (this.uppercase(status) === 'REJECTED') {
return this.t('status_rejected')
if (this.uppercase(status) === 'PENDING') {
return this.t('status_pending')
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