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Last active December 20, 2021 21:23
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"name":"Diego Ponciano",
"label":"Software Engineer at Loadsmart",
"summary":"I'm a software engineer devoted to designing and creating reliable, maintainable and scalable systems. \nVery product oriented, with experience in backend web development, architecture/system design. \nI've been working 100% remotely for the past few years, which made me keen to level up my communication abilities",
"city":"São Paulo",
"institution":"Centro Universitário FIEO",
"area":"Computer Science",
"name":"Jéssica Pauli de C Bonson",
"reference":"I considered Diego as my hand-right man when I was leading the catalog subsystem with him. He is extremely dependable and has outstanding qualities both in hard and soft skills as a developer. He also is an astounding mentor. Diego mentored most of the new teammates, and they were able to ramp up quickly and engagedly."
"name":"Douglas Santana",
"reference":"We've been working together for almost 6 months, and during this time we have done a great teamwork! \nHe has proved to be a very commited guy who always makes every efforts to get shit done, also he has always demonstrated his solid programming skills! \n"
"keywords": ["Python", "Django", "Ruby", "Rails", "Postgres", "Redis"]
"keywords": ["AWS", "Heroku", "k8s"],
"level": "Mid-level",
"name": "Devops"
"keywords": [
"Javascript / Typescript",
"React / Next / Vue"
"level": "",
"name": "Frontend"
"position":"Software Engineer",
"data warehouse"
"position":"Senior Software Engineer",
"summary":"I worked on a embrionary data project that aimed to automatize creation of Fact tables on OLAP schemas, and APIs to interact with the data protocols."
"company":"Olist - A maior loja dos marketplaces",
"position":"Senior Python Developer",
"summary":"Olist is a platform that enables merchants and brands to access and operate in Brazil's largest retail marketplaces.\nI worked on a fully remote team, and we relied on a distributed pub-sub microservices architecture.\nMy work consists of creating and evolving:\n- Architecture (design and performance)\n- APIs (mostly based on Django Rest Framework);\n- consumer services, many of them async (mostly based on loafer, a python-based SQS polling client);\n- AWS (SQS, SNS, EC2, S3)\n- Remote work culture (self management, communication)",
"position":"Product Development",
"summary":" is a full-service product design company.\nI've joined as a product developer. \nSince then, I've worked on a online learning platform, eduK, mainly on their subscription process.\nDuring this time, I developed PoC for new payment gateways (Ruby on Rails microservices), and integration with voucher partners (a Python/Django microservice).",
"name":"the goodfellas",
"company":"the goodfellas",
"position":"Senior Python Developer",
"summary":"Working as a senior Python developer at a technology digital company focused on designing and producing interactive experiences. Projects:\n\n● - Portal rewritten from the groundup in Django CMS, from a zope-based custom made CMS. I was responsible for developing application hooks and plugins (Django-CMS specific components), and APIs using Django Rest Framework.\n\n● CNI Intranet - A complete Intranet Portal developed in Django CMS and Python 3. Responsible for leading a team of three people, developing the core APIs (using Rest Framework) and front-end apps using Vue.js, which consisted of many apps, like: an appointment scheduler; a news blog; an events calendar.\n\nTechnologies used: Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Vue.js and Unittest",
"position":"Python Developer",
"summary":"ImobTrade is a startup for real estate e-commerce, whose focus is making finding and buying a home simpler.\nI work as a developer, mainly on the backend (Python/Django) but I do some front-end too (AngularJS).\nI introduced unit and integration tests usage and I'm working towards making the user experience better.\nI'm responsible for developing the API REST (using django­rest­framework).\nCreated mobile apps for both Android ( and iOS, using an HTML5 hybrid framework (Ionic), and consuming our site APIs.",
"company":"Agência Estado",
"position":".NET Developer",
"summary":"Development and bug-fix of desktop application Broadcast+. I spent most of the time working on legacy core and components (c++) and fixing multi-thread related issues.",
"position":".NET System Analyst",
"summary":"Developing VB6 desktop apps, VB.NET batch applications and Java Web Apps using JSP/Servlets. Also, did a lot of Sybase Stored Procedures development. Customer: Itaú Insurance ([pt-BR] Itaú Seguros Auto e Residência).",
"company":"Agenda Médico",
"ruby on rails",
"position":"IT Consultant",
"summary":"Front and back-end development of the medical care scheduling service Agenda Médico (\nDeveloped with Rails 3.2, MySQL and jQuery.",
" mvc"
"position":"Software Developer",
"summary":"Worked on the migration of Azul Viagens Aéreas hot site, including ASP.NET based backend and XLST/jQuery based front-end.\nDevelopment of Facebook app for Gol Viagens Aéreas (, integrating sales, online check-in and seat choosing with social graph on Facebook.\nDevelopment of Gol Viagens Aéreas' Blackberry app.",
"position":"System Analyst",
"summary":"System analysis for a mainframe Investiment Funds’ project, working on creation and validation of Data flow diagrams and User interface documents.\nCreated HTML/CSS prototypes for Bradesco webapps.\nDevelopment of a desktop \"robot\" app, integrating Bradesco exchanging system through Banco Central’s emulation terminal Sisbacen.",
"fluency":"Native Speaker"
"fluency":"Fluent Speaker"
"name":"Music / Jamming"
"name":"Reading / Writing"
"name":"Open Source"
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