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Created January 14, 2019 15:38
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setup for osx

global computer set up

——— Terminal settings ------ *iterm + prezto (sorin theme)

editar ~/.zpreztorc y poner estos módulos

Set the Prezto modules to load (browse modules).

The order matters.

zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule

pegar siguiente snippet en ~/.zshrc para up y down search en terminal ——aqui empieza el snippet

search on up/down arrow if a partial cmd is entered, otherwise browse history

up-line-or-search-prefix () { local CURSOR_before_search=$CURSOR zle up-line-or-search "$LBUFFER" CURSOR=$CURSOR_before_search } zle -N up-line-or-search-prefix

down-line-or-search-prefix () { local CURSOR_before_search=$CURSOR zle down-line-or-search "$LBUFFER" CURSOR=$CURSOR_before_search } zle -N down-line-or-search-prefix

bindkey ${terminfo[kcuu1]} up-line-or-search-prefix bindkey ${terminfo[kcud1]} down-line-or-search-prefix

bindkey '^[OA' up-line-or-search

bindkey '^[OB' down-line-or-search

aqui termina el snippet ------

——— Ruby y Rails —— *rvm


*rails gem install rails

——— base de datos y otros ——— *postgresql brew install postgresql

*redis brew install redis

*bundler gem install bundler

*imageMagic brew install imagemagick

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