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Created May 9, 2024 12:57
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Monitoring of IP Address renewing (leasing) using Node.js
import { spawn } from "child_process"
import { log } from "console"
import { appendFile } from "fs/promises"
import {stdout} from "process"
var sleep = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms))
const getMyIP = async function(){
return new Promise((res, rej)=>{
let timeout = 500
let timeoutHandler = () => rej(Error("Timeout"))
let timeoutCode = setTimeout(timeoutHandler, timeout)
let resOrRej = fn => {
let data = ""
let ch = spawn("node", ["./net-info.mjs"])
ch.stdout.on("data", datum => {data += datum.toString("utf8")})
ch.on("error", err => resOrRej(rej.bind(this, err)))
ch.on("exit", (code) => resOrRej(res.bind(this, data)))
let currentIPs = []
let lastTS = 0
let allVanishedIPs = []
let newIPs = []
let vanishedIPs = []
while(( - lastTS) < 60000){
await sleep(1000)
lastTS =
let ipRaw = await getMyIP()
if(ipRaw.length > 0){
let sessionIPs = []
let ipObj = JSON.parse(ipRaw)
for(let [ifaceName, ifaceAddresses] of Object.entries(ipObj)){
for(let ifaceAddress of ifaceAddresses){
if( != "IPv6" || ifaceName == "lo" ) continue
for(let ip of currentIPs){
if(!sessionIPs.includes(ip)){ // It vanished
for(let ip of sessionIPs){
if(!currentIPs.includes(ip)){ // It's new!
for(let ip of newIPs){
for(let ip of vanishedIPs){
currentIPs.splice(currentIPs.indexOf(ip), 1)
log(`Current IPs:\n` + Array.from(Array(8)).fill("").map((_,i)=>sessionIPs[i]||_).join("\n"))
log(`New IPs:\n` + Array.from(Array(8)).fill("").map((_,i)=>newIPs[i]||_).join("\n"))
log(`Vanished IPs:\n` + Array.from(Array(8)).fill("").map((_,i)=>vanishedIPs[i]||_).join("\n"))
log(`History of all IPs:\n` + Array.from(Array(8)).fill("").map((_,i)=>currentIPs[i]||_).join("\n"))
log(`History of vanished IPs:\n` + Array.from(Array(8)).fill("").map((_,i)=>allVanishedIPs[i]||_).join("\n"))
await sleep(50)
import { networkInterfaces } from "os"
// The invocation of networkInterfaces is externalized in order to avoid possible caching from Node.js.
// Hence, as net-info.mjs is called, it'll always return fresh info about IP Adressses.
let data = networkInterfaces()
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