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Last active December 23, 2015 06:59
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CSDocument class, a class to be used with Mongoengine's Document class to create documents. It allows DB switch on the fly.
import threading
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from mongoengine import *
from mongoengine.connection import get_db
def dbconnect(company):
global company_name
connect('cs_' + company, company, w=0, safe=False)
CSDocument.switch_active_db(company) = company
def current_db():
return CSDocument.active_db
def current_company():
class CSMongoError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return self.value
class CSDocument(object):
_collections = defaultdict(lambda: None)
active_db = None
#Set this to the name of the share DB in classes that live there
shared_db = None
def usave(self, **kwargs):
"""Backward compatibility, use save().
warnings.warn("Don't use usave() anymore, use save().",
def save(self, **kwargs):
super(CSDocument, self).save(**kwargs)
def csvalidate(self):
"""Rewrite this function in a derived class if you need some
custom validation.
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def switch_active_db(cls, dbname):
cls.active_db = dbname
def _get_db(cls):
if cls.shared_db is None:
return get_db(cls.active_db)
return get_db(cls.shared_db)
def _build_key(cls, dbname, collection_name):
#XXX: check if we really need this per thread thing!!
thread_id = threading.currentThread().ident
key = '%s-%s-%s' % (thread_id, dbname, collection_name)
return key
def _get_collection(cls):
"""Custom MongoEngine function to support global DB switch thread-safe.
collection_name = cls._get_collection_name()
if cls.shared_db is None:
key = cls._build_key(cls.active_db, collection_name)
key = cls._build_key(cls.shared_db, collection_name)
if cls._collections[key] is None:
db = cls._get_db()
cls._collection = db[collection_name]
cls._collections[key] = db[collection_name]
if cls._meta.get('auto_create_index', True):
return cls._collections[key]
def create(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create and save a new obj in the DB with information provided in
obj = cls(**kwargs)
return obj
def get(cls, **kwargs):
"""Get the document from the DB or create it using **kwargs if it
doesn't exists
if kwargs has create=True, the document is created with the information
provided in kwargs.
There is a get_or_create() function in MongoEngine but it's deprecated.
create = False
if kwargs.has_key('create'):
create = kwargs['create']
del kwargs['create']
obj = cls.objects(**kwargs)
count = obj.count()
if count == 0 and create:
obj = cls.create(**kwargs)
elif count > 1:
raise CSMongoError("More than one document found for " + str(cls))
obj = obj.first()
return obj
def get_index_by_name(cls, name):
"""Get index spec to be used in .hint() cursor method.
hint = mdb.Rcpt.get_index_by_name('sort0')
cursor = mdb.Rcpt.objects.hint(hint)
for index_spec in cls._meta['index_specs']:
index_name = index_spec.get('name')
if index_name and index_name == name:
return index_spec['fields']
return None
def dump(self, *attrs):
ret = []
for attr in attrs:
value = getattr(self, attr)
if type(value) != str:
value = str(value)
ret.append('%s=%s' % (attr, value))
return " ".join(ret)
def tid(self):
return str(
from base import *
from mongoengine import *
class Data(CSDocument, Document):
info = StringField()
moreinfo = StringField()
data = Data()
data = Data()
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