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Last active September 25, 2022 23:43
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Linux Issue "fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable"

Linux Issue #001

Maybe you have trying to open a new terminal window, or connect via ssh to another terminal and appears a prompt like the message below:

STDOUT: "fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable"

Where are saved those messages? :

Those messages can be found in logs folder, specifically at:

  • /var/log/secure
  • /var/log/messages


Here, there are some examples of what is expected you find and how it looks like.

Nov 24 12:59:14 localhost multipathd: fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable 
Nov 24 12:59:14 localhost multipathd: fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable 
Nov 24 12:59:14 localhost multipathd: fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable 
Nov 24 13:00:18 localhost udevd[2244]: udev_event_run: fork of child failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
Nov 24 13:00:18 localhost udevd[2244]: udev_event_run: fork of child failed: Resource temporarily unavailable

Possible Reasons

Among the most common reason, we have:

  • Some application is opening large amount of processes.
  • Server is running out of memory
  • Number of process is reaching the kernel.pid_max value.


Here, this is oneliner I created for starting to find the possible reasons detailed above.

This piece of code will perform the following things:

  • Show the TOP10 process that are consuming memory .
  • Expose the amount of process are being run for each user.
  • Indicate the nTh a.k.a _NLWP_(Number of LightWeight Process) that is nothing different that the number of threads per PID.
  • Count the total number of process in the system in order to be compared against the kernel.pid_max value.
lns(){ printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' '-' ;};
top10m=$(ps -eo user,pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu,nlwp --sort=-%mem | head -n 10);count_proc=$(ps --no-headers auxm|awk '$2 == "-" {print $1}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n);pids_list=($(egrep -oh "[0-9]{1,}"<<<$count_proc));sum_proc=0;for q in ${pids_list[@]};do ((sum_proc = sum_proc+$q));done;lns;echo -e "Most 10 demanding Memory resource:\n$top10m\n";lns;echo -e "\nProcesses by each user:\n$count_proc\n";lns;echo -e "Total processes in system: $sum_proc\nMaximum allowed kernel PID:\n$(sudo sysctl -a | grep -i 'pid_max')";lns


This is a demo how it will looks when you run on your PC. Peek 2022-09-25 18-43

From the results above, be aware of:

  • Total process number < kernel.pid_max value.
  • Any of the process above is not consuming > 90% of memory.
  • Identifying which PIDs number are having high NLWP values.


  • Verify your current set values by doing:
  • # ulimit -a
  • # sysctl -a (Will need superuser privileges).
  • For modifying sysctl value and be persistent, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf

Remember that:

  • Even being configured the soft/hard limits in /etc/security/limits.conf
  • Those values need to be lower than which is specified in kernel.pid_max


lns(){ printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' '-' ;};
top10m=$(ps -eo user,pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu,nlwp --sort=-%mem | head -n 10);
count_proc=$(ps --no-headers auxm|awk '$2 == "-" {print $1}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -n);
pids_list=($(egrep -oh "[0-9]{1,}"<<<$count_proc));
for q in ${pids_list[@]};do ((sum_proc = sum_proc+$q));done;
lns;echo -e "Most 10 demanding Memory resource:\n$top10m\n";lns;
echo -e "\nProcesses by each user:\n$count_proc\n";lns;
echo -e "Total processes in system: $sum_proc\nMaximum allowed kernel PID:\n$(sudo sysctl -a | grep -i 'pid_max')";lns
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