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Last active November 11, 2019 16:06
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A lightweight Introduction to Recursion Schemes in Scala
* Code Snippets from the Blog Post "Basic Recursion Schemes in Scala",
* Written here to accompany the article. This file should compile directly if inserted into ammonte.
object IListBase {
sealed trait IList
case object INil extends IList
case class ICons(head: Int, tail: IList) extends IList
object ITreeBase {
sealed trait ITree
case object Leaf extends ITree
case class Node(left: ITree, top: Int, right: ITree) extends ITree
/* Steps 1-2: Initials definitions, directly recursive, of `sum` and `digits` */
object directRecursion {
import IListBase._
def sum(list: IList): Int =
list match {
case INil => 0
case ICons(head, tail) => head + sum(tail)
def digits(seed: Int): IList =
if (seed == 0)
ICons(seed % 10, digits(seed / 10) )
/* Steps 1-2: */
object monomorphicList {
import IListBase._
def fold( zero: Int, op: (Int, Int) => Int)(list: IList): Int =
list match {
case INil => zero
case ICons(head, tail) => op( head, fold(zero, op)(tail) )
def unfold(
isEnd: Int => Boolean, op: Int => (Int, Int) )( seed: Int
): IList =
if (isEnd(seed))
else {
val (head, next) = op(seed)
ICons(head, unfold(isEnd, op)(next) )
def isZero(x: Int): Boolean = x == 0
def div10(x: Int): (Int, Int) = (x % 10, x / 10)
def digits(seed: Int): IList = unfold(isZero, div10)(seed)
def add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
def sum(list: IList): Int = fold(0, add)(list)
/* Step 3: Introduce an "OCons" type alias, and write fold/unfold of lists based on it. */
object v3 {
import IListBase._
type OCons = Option[(Int, Int)]
def fold(out: OCons => Int)(list: IList): Int =
list match {
case INil => out( None)
case ICons(head, tail) => out( Some( (head, fold(out)(tail)) ))
def unfold( into: Int => OCons)(seed: Int): IList =
into(seed) match {
case None => INil
case Some((head, next)) => ICons(head, unfold(into)(next) )
def addO(ocons: OCons): Int = ocons match {
case None => 0
case Some((x,y)) => x + y
def split(x: Int): OCons = if (x == 0) None else Some((x % 10, x / 10))
def digits(seed: Int): IList = unfold(split)(seed)
def sum(list: IList): Int = fold(addO)(list)
/* Step 4: define fold, unfold for treees */
object treeDirect {
import ITreeBase._
def sum(tree: ITree): Int =
tree match {
case Leaf => 0
case Node(ll,top,rr) => sum(ll) + top + sum(rr)
def digits(seed: Int): ITree =
if (seed ==0) Leaf
else {
val (pref, mid, suff) = splitNumber(seed)
Node( digits(pref), mid, digits(suff) )
// splitNumbers: split a number's digits in the middle,
// for example, splitNumber(56784197) = (567, 8, 4197)
def splitNumber(seed: Int): (Int, Int, Int) = (0,seed,0) // TODO
/* Step 5: define monomorphic fold/unfold for trees */
object treeUnFold {
import ITreeBase._
def fold( zero: Int, op: (Int, Int, Int) => Int)(tree: ITree): Int =
tree match {
case Leaf =>
case Node(ll,top,rr) =>
op( fold(zero, op)(ll), top, fold(zero, op)(rr) )
def add3(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) = a + b + c
def sum(tree: ITree): Int = fold(0, add3)(tree)
def unfold(
isEnd: Int => Boolean, op: Int => (Int, Int, Int) )(seed: Int
): ITree =
if (isEnd(seed))
else {
val (ll, top, rr) = op(seed)
Node( unfold(isEnd, op)(ll), top, unfold(isEnd, op)(rr) )
def isZero(x: Int): Boolean = x == 0
def splitNumber(seed: Int): (Int, Int, Int) = (0,seed,0)
def digits(seed: Int): ITree = unfold(isZero, splitNumber)(seed)
object step6 {
import ITreeBase._
type ONode = Option[(Int, Int, Int)]
def fold(out: ONode => Int)(tree: ITree): Int =
tree match {
case Leaf =>
out( None )
case Node(ll, top, rr) =>
out( Some( (fold(out)(ll), top, fold(out)(rr) ) ))
def unfold(in: Int => ONode)(seed: Int): ITree =
in(seed) match {
case None =>
case Some( (ll, top, rr) ) =>
Node( unfold(in)(ll), top, unfold(in)(rr) )
/* Step 7: Using maps. We define here */
object OptTypes {
type OCons[R] = Option[(Int, R)]
type ONode[R] = Option[(R, Int, R)]
def mapOC[A,B]( fun: A => B, ocons: OCons[A]): OCons[B] =
ocons match {
case None => None
case Some((head, tail)) => Some((head, fun(tail)))
def mapON[A, B](fun: A => B, onode: ONode[A]): ONode[B] =
onode match {
case None => None
case Some((ll, top, rr)) => Some((fun(ll), top, fun(rr)))
object v7 {
import OptTypes._
import IListBase._
import ITreeBase._
def open(tree: IList): OCons[IList] =
tree match {
case INil => None
case ICons(head, tail) => Some((head, tail))
def open(tree: ITree): ONode[ITree] =
tree match {
case Leaf => None
case Node(ll, top, rr) => Some((ll, top, rr))
def foldL(out: OCons[Int] => Int)(list: IList): Int =
out( mapOC(foldL(out), open(list) ))
def foldT(out: ONode[Int] => Int)(tree: ITree): Int =
out( mapON(foldT(out), open(tree)) )
// STEP 9 - Align Unfolds
def close(ocons: OCons[IList]): IList =
ocons match {
case None => INil
case Some((head, tail)) => ICons(head, tail)
def close(onode: ONode[ITree]): ITree =
onode match {
case None => Leaf
case Some((ll, top, rr)) => Node(ll, top, rr)
def unfold(into: Int => OCons[Int])(seed: Int): IList =
close( mapOC( unfold(into), into(seed) ) )
def unfold(into: Int => ONode[Int])(seed: Int): ITree =
close( mapON( unfold(into), into(seed) ) )
// STEP 10: Indirect recursion, but sepparate for each data -type
object indirectRecursion {
import OptTypes._
case class List_Ind(opt: OCons[List_Ind])
case class Tree_Ind(opt: ONode[Tree_Ind])
def fold(out: OCons[Int] => Int)(list: List_Ind): Int =
out( mapOC( fold(out), list.opt) )
def fold(out: ONode[Int] => Int)(tree: Tree_Ind): Int =
out( mapON( fold(out), tree.opt) )
def unfold(into: Int => OCons[Int])(seed: Int): List_Ind =
List_Ind( mapOC(unfold(into), into(seed) ))
def unfold(into: Int => ONode[Int])(seed: Int): Tree_Ind =
Tree_Ind( mapON(unfold(into), into(seed) ))
object fixpointTypes {
import OptTypes._
// STEP 11: Indirect Recursion for _all_ data types
case class Ind[ Rec[_] ]( opt: Rec[ Ind[Rec] ] )
type List_Ind = Ind[OCons]
type Tree_Ind = Ind[ONode]
// STEP 12: Unified fold and unfold: use functors.
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A, B](fun: A => B, from: F[A]): F[B]
def fold[ Rec[_] ](ff: Functor[Rec], out: Rec[Int] => Int)(ind: Ind[Rec]): Int =
out( fold(ff, out), ind.opt) )
def unfold[ Rec[_] ](ff: Functor[Rec], into: Int => Rec[Int])(seed: Int): Ind[Rec] =
Ind(, into), into(seed)) )
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