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Created September 14, 2015 20:47
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Graph Algorithms Handout

Graph Algorithms Hand-Out


  • graph: G = (V, E)
    • V = vertices, nodes
    • E = edges, i.e., pairs (n, m) of nodes; [directed] links between nodes
  • node n is adjacent to node m if there is an edge (n, m) or (m, n)
    • generally there are multiple nodes adjacent to a node n
    • for a node it is possible to get iterators for the adjacent nodes
  • edge e = (n, m) is incident to nodes n and m
    • source node n and target node m can be access directly
    • for a node it is possible get iterator for the incident edges
  • nodes and edges may have properties:
    • nodes may, e.g., have a _position, a supply, a demand, a color, etc.
    • edges may, e.g., have a weight, a capacity, a length, a flow, a color, etc.


Graph Structure

Not all of the functions need to modelled for all algorithms

Expression Type Semantics
g G G is a type modelling the Graph concept and g is an instance thereof
vit using VI = typename G::vertex_iterator an iterator over all vertices and instances there of
v = *vit using V = typename G::vertex_descriptor a handle to access a specific node
eit using EI = typename G::edge_iterator an iterator over all edges and instances thereof
e = *eit using E = typename G::edge_descriptor a handle to access a specific edge
ait using AI = typename G::adjacency_iterator an iterator over adjacent nodes
v = *ait typename G::vertex_descriptor access to the adjacent node
oit using II = typename G::out_edge_iterator an iterator over incident edges (in edge direction)
e = *oit typename G::edge_descriptor access to the incident edge
iit using II = typename G::in_edge_iterator an iterator over incident edges (against edge direction)
e = *oit typename G::edge_descriptor access to the incident edge
s = source(e, g) V source node incident to e
t = target(e, g) V target node incident to e
vertices(g) pair<VI, VI> begin/end iterator for the range of nodes
edges(g) pair<EI, EI> begin/end iterator for the range of edges
adjacent_vertices(v, g) pair<AI, AI> access to iterators for the nodes adjacent to v
out_edges(v, g) pair<OI, OI> begin/end iterator for the range of edges incident to v leading from v
in_edges(v, g) pair<II, II> begin/end iterator for the range of edges incident to v leading to v

Property Map

Access to a property associated with a node or an edge. The key is a vertex descriptor to access a node property or an edge descriptor to access an edge property

Expression Type Semantics
pm PM a class modelling a property map and an instance thereof
p = get(pm, key) typename PM::type read the value of the property for the object key
put(pm, key, p) set the value of the property for th object key to p
pm[key] typename PM::reference lvalue access to the property type
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