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Last active December 15, 2015 18:29
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Python Slice Upsert
a_range = range(12)
a_range[-2:] = range(10,20)
assert a_range == range(20)
a_range[10:11] = range(10)[::-1]
a_range[20:] = []
assert a_range == range(10) + range(10)[::-1]
keywords = "apple, pear, banana, lemon and orange"
keywords = keywords.split(', ')
keywords[-1:] = keywords[-1].split(' and ')
assert keywords == ["apple", "pear", "banana", "lemon", "orange"]
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dutc commented Apr 7, 2013

Just for confirmation, this is (gdb) backtrace for

x = range(10)
x[-2:] = range(10,20)

on Python 2.7.3 x64.

#0  list_ass_slice (a=0x7ffff7eab320, ilow=8, ihigh=9223372036854775807, v=0x7ffff7ea9ea8) at Objects/listobject.c:623
#1  0x000000000041e2e2 in PySequence_SetSlice (s=0x7ffff7eab320, i1=8, i2=9223372036854775807, o=0x7ffff7ea9ea8) at Objects/abstract.c:2108
#2  0x00000000004b08cf in assign_slice (u=0x7ffff7eab320, v=0x803800, w=0x0, x=0x7ffff7ea9ea8) at Python/ceval.c:4426
#3  0x00000000004a9276 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x8c2b20, throwflag=0) at Python/ceval.c:1671
#4  0x00000000004ad61a in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x7ffff7f21730, globals=0x826160, locals=0x826160, args=0x0, argcount=0, kws=0x0, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0)
    at Python/ceval.c:3253
#5  0x00000000004a77d5 in PyEval_EvalCode (co=0x7ffff7f21730, globals=0x826160, locals=0x826160) at Python/ceval.c:667
#6  0x00000000004d8cd6 in run_mod (mod=0x8c02f0, filename=0x54c582 "<stdin>", globals=0x826160, locals=0x826160, flags=0x7fffffffe060, arena=0x8265a0) at Python/pythonrun.c:1353
#7  0x00000000004d762b in PyRun_InteractiveOneFlags (fp=0x7ffff74b4360 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>, filename=0x54c582 "<stdin>", flags=0x7fffffffe060) at Python/pythonrun.c:852
#8  0x00000000004d735d in PyRun_InteractiveLoopFlags (fp=0x7ffff74b4360 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>, filename=0x54c582 "<stdin>", flags=0x7fffffffe060) at Python/pythonrun.c:772
#9  0x00000000004d720a in PyRun_AnyFileExFlags (fp=0x7ffff74b4360 <_IO_2_1_stdin_>, filename=0x54c582 "<stdin>", closeit=0, flags=0x7fffffffe060) at Python/pythonrun.c:741
#10 0x00000000004154d6 in Py_Main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe278) at Modules/main.c:639
#11 0x00000000004141cc in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe278) at ./Modules/python.c:23

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dutc commented Apr 7, 2013

For comparison, this is what [].extend looks like:

static PyObject *
listextend(PyListObject *self, PyObject *b)
    PyObject *it;      /* iter(v) */
    Py_ssize_t m;                  /* size of self */
    Py_ssize_t n;                  /* guess for size of b */
    Py_ssize_t mn;                 /* m + n */
    Py_ssize_t i;
    PyObject *(*iternext)(PyObject *);

    /* Special cases:
       1) lists and tuples which can use PySequence_Fast ops
       2) extending self to self requires making a copy first
    if (PyList_CheckExact(b) || PyTuple_CheckExact(b) || (PyObject *)self == b) {
        PyObject **src, **dest;
        b = PySequence_Fast(b, "argument must be iterable");
        if (!b)
            return NULL;
        n = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(b);
        if (n == 0) {
            /* short circuit when b is empty */
        m = Py_SIZE(self);
        if (list_resize(self, m + n) == -1) {
            return NULL;
        /* note that we may still have self == b here for the
         * situation a.extend(a), but the following code works
         * in that case too.  Just make sure to resize self
         * before calling PySequence_Fast_ITEMS.
        /* populate the end of self with b's items */
        src = PySequence_Fast_ITEMS(b);
        dest = self->ob_item + m;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            PyObject *o = src[i];
            dest[i] = o;

    it = PyObject_GetIter(b);
    if (it == NULL)
        return NULL;
    iternext = *it->ob_type->tp_iternext;

    /* Guess a result list size. */
    n = _PyObject_LengthHint(b, 8);
    if (n == -1) {
        return NULL;
    m = Py_SIZE(self);
    mn = m + n;
    if (mn >= m) {
        /* Make room. */
        if (list_resize(self, mn) == -1)
            goto error;
        /* Make the list sane again. */
        Py_SIZE(self) = m;
    /* Else m + n overflowed; on the chance that n lied, and there really
     * is enough room, ignore it.  If n was telling the truth, we'll
     * eventually run out of memory during the loop.

    /* Run iterator to exhaustion. */
    for (;;) {
        PyObject *item = iternext(it);
        if (item == NULL) {
            if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
                if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_StopIteration))
                    goto error;
        if (Py_SIZE(self) < self->allocated) {
            /* steals ref */
            PyList_SET_ITEM(self, Py_SIZE(self), item);
        else {
            int status = app1(self, item);
            Py_DECREF(item);  /* append creates a new ref */
            if (status < 0)
                goto error;

    /* Cut back result list if initial guess was too large. */
    if (Py_SIZE(self) < self->allocated)
        list_resize(self, Py_SIZE(self));  /* shrinking can't fail */


    return NULL;

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