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Created October 6, 2014 18:28
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Implementations of power in Clojure
(defn create-power
"Takes a positive power-of implementation and returns a function that uses
it plus the logic for y==0 and y<0"
(fn [x y]
(> y 0) (implementation x y)
(< y 0) (/ 1 (implementation x (Math/abs y)))
:else 1)))
; Implementations...
(defn power-reduce-pos
"Reduce solution, O(y)"
[x y]
(reduce * (repeat y x)))
(def power-reduce (create-power power-reduce-pos))
(defn power-recurs-pos
"Recursive solution, O(y)" ; Is this TCO'd?
[x y]
(if (= y 1)
(* x (power-recurs-pos x (- y 1)))))
(def power-recurs (create-power power-recurs-pos))
(defn power-tco-pos
"Recursive / TCOd, O(y)"
([x y] (power-tco-pos x y nil))
([x y a]
(if (= y 1)
(or a x)
(recur x (- y 1) (* (or a x) x)))))
(def power-tco (create-power power-tco-pos))
(defn power-logn-pos
"Recursive solution, O(logy)"
[x y]
(if (= (int y) 1) x
(let [half (power-logn-pos x (Math/floor (/ y 2)))]
(* half half (if (odd? (int y)) x 1)))))
(def power-logn (create-power power-logn-pos))
(defn power-shift-pos
"Recursive power multiplication, O(logy)"
[x y]
(reduce *
(loop [idx 1 candidates []]
(if (> idx y)
(bit-shift-left idx 1)
(if (not (= (bit-and idx y) 0))
(list (reduce * (repeat idx x))))
(def power-shift (create-power power-shift-pos))
(defn power-factor-pos
"Recursive power using factoring, O(logy)"
[x y]
#(reduce * (repeat % x))
(filter ; take only the factors present in y
#(not (= 0 (bit-and % y)))
(take-while ; take all powers of 2 smaller or equal to y
#(<= % y) ; i.e. the factors of y
(map #(bit-shift-left 1 %) (range)))))))
(def power-factor (create-power power-factor-pos))
; Tests...
(use 'clojure.test)
(deftest power-reduce-test
(is (= (power-reduce 2 0) 1))
(is (= (power-reduce 2 2) 4))
(is (= (power-reduce 5 2) 25))
(is (= (power-reduce 2 -2) 1/4)))
(deftest power-recurs-test
(is (= (power-recurs 2 0) 1))
(is (= (power-recurs 2 2) 4))
(is (= (power-recurs 5 2) 25))
(is (= (power-recurs 2 -2) 1/4)))
(deftest power-tco-test
(is (= (power-tco 2 0) 1))
(is (= (power-tco 2 2) 4))
(is (= (power-tco 5 2) 25))
(is (= (power-tco 2 -2) 1/4)))
(deftest power-logn-test
(is (= (power-logn 2 0) 1))
(is (= (power-logn 2 2) 4))
(is (= (power-logn 5 2) 25))
(is (= (power-logn 2 -2) 1/4)))
(deftest power-shift-test
(is (= (power-shift 2 0) 1))
(is (= (power-shift 2 2) 4))
(is (= (power-shift 5 2) 25))
(is (= (power-shift 2 -2) 1/4)))
(deftest power-factor-test
(is (= (power-factor 2 0) 1))
(is (= (power-factor 2 2) 4))
(is (= (power-factor 5 2) 25))
(is (= (power-factor 2 -2) 1/4)))
; Benchmark...
(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (power-reduce 1 1000)))
(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (power-recurs 1 1000)))
(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (power-tco 1 1000)))
(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (power-logn 1 1000)))
(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (power-shift 1 1000)))
(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (power-factor 1 1000)))
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