Make sure your cpu support
with below command:grep -E "(vmx|svm)" --color=always /proc/cpuinfo
Make sure BIOS have enable “Virtualization Technology”.
User access to
so add your account into kvm(78) group:
You may have experienced when dual booting that you need to re-pair your bluetooth devices (ie., Headphones, mouse, keyboard, etc) this usually happens because you have already paired the device with another operating system using the same bluetooth adapter when dual booting (either Linux or Windows).
Some devices cannot handle multiple pairings associated with the same MAC address (ie., bluetooth adapter). As per suggested on the ArchWiki you can fix this by re-pairing the device each time, but there's actually another solution to not do so each time you choose to use your device on a different OS.
Easy, just pair the device on a OS and copy the bluetooth keys generated to the other OS so our device doesn't notice the difference.
~ # fan_control -? | |
*** Fan Cobtrol Help Message *** | |
fan_control b c: for NAS booting | |
fan_control 0 d : [auto: low/medium/high/max] open debug msg | |
fan_control 0 c : [auto: low/medium/high/max] close debug msg | |
fan_control -L [value] : set Lower (THYST) | |
fan_control -H [value] : set Upper(TOS) | |
fan_control -g 0 : get current temperature | |
fan_control -g 1 : get Lower temperature | |
fan_control -g 2 : get Upper temperature |
Installing Arch Linux ARM on a SD card for Raspberry Pi 0 W and loading wifi credentials for headless usage
Before starting I highly suggest you create a new directory on your /home/user
directory with an appropiate name for this task like rpi0alarm
so you can change directory to /home/user/rpi0alarm
and go through the following steps.
As I wrote this guide after collecting info from different sources (listed at the end) be mindful of your current path and the commands you are running to not damage your current installation on the host computer you are creating the SD Card.
Most common scenario, you installed a program that looks horrible or unreadable on your current theme or variation of that theme (light, dark). There's a simple workaround for most programs to fix this problem.
Depending on the distro or DE/WM you are running and which programs you are using to manage your audio you maybe run into the hassle of having to switch audio outputs each time you connect a bluetooth device (headset/speaker). You can in fact make pulseaudio to autoswitch when connection is established and not do it manually.
To accomplish this you just need to check a condition in the default.pa
config file located in /etc/pulse/
directory on your install and add the following line load-module module-switch-on-connect
like in the code snippet below:
### Automatically load driver modules for Bluetooth hardware
Requirement: Chromebook, Common Sense, Commandline Ablity, 1 hour of time
Dear developers with a spare Chromebook lets inject a little personalization into your Crosh shell with custom fonts, the solarized theme, and extra secure shell options.
Also, keep in mind that the terms Chrosh
, Chrosh Window
, and Secure Shell
all refer to various versions and extentions built around the ChromeOS terminal. Settings that affect the ChromeOS terminal are global.