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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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podfile stats
== podfiles: 30 ==
SDWebImage: 11
AFNetworking: 8
RestKit: 8
HockeySDK: 8
BlocksKit: 7
CocoaLumberjack: 6
MBProgressHUD: 6
TTTAttributedLabel: 5
TTTLocalizedPluralString: 4
iCarousel: 4
MWFeedParser: 3
RETableViewManager: 3
UIImage+Additions: 3
Mantle: 3
YandexMapKit: 3
SVPullToRefresh: 3
FlurrySDK: 3
Google-Maps-iOS-SDK: 3
ECSlidingViewController: 2
ReactiveCocoa: 2
Facebook-iOS-SDK: 2
SVProgressHUD: 2
SVGKit: 2
libextobjc: 2
ELMaskedTextField: 2
JVFloatLabeledTextField: 2
DTCoreText: 2
UIAlertView-Blocks: 2
MagicalRecord: 2
UIImage-Resize: 2
MWPhotoBrowser: 2
ABContactHelper: 2
DejalActivityView: 2
SSKeychain: 2
ELFeedback: 2
Base64nl: 1
XMLDictionary: 1
ASValueTrackingSlider: 1
GPUImage@last: 1
ProgressHUD: 1
CRMotionView: 1
SAMGradientView: 1
SBJson: 1
LLRoundSwitch: 1
StyledPageControl: 1
UIDeviceAddition: 1
OHHTTPStubs: 1
BlocksKit/UIKit: 1
TMCache: 1
iVersion: 1
YandexMobileMetrica: 1
LibComponentLogging-pods: 1
CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout: 1
Objection: 1
REValidation: 1
SLScrollViewKeyboardSupport: 1
MFSideMenu: 1
SSPullToRefresh: 1
SHSPhoneComponent: 1
FXLabel: 1
UICountingLabel: 1
Reveal-iOS-SDK: 1
SZTextView: 1
FrameAccessor: 1
OpenUDID: 1
Overcoat: 1
UIColor-HexString: 1
SAMCategories: 1
REComposeViewController: 1
ZXingObjC: 1
NSString-Hashes: 1
TYMActivityIndicatorView: 1
Crashlytics: 1
UIActionSheet+Blocks: 1
Toast: 1
Nimbus/AttributedLabel: 1
ELFixSecureTextFieldFont: 1
REMenu: 1
AFDownloadRequestOperation: 1
iRate: 1
NSObject+AutoDescription: 1
DCKeyValueObjectMapping: 1
BufferedNavigationController: 1
PSTCollectionView: 1
HTProgressHUD: 1
GoogleMapsKit: 1
TTSwitch: 1
NSDate-Extensions: 1
MobileAppTracker: 1
UIDevice-Hardware: 1
JTSImageViewController: 1
AKLocationManager: 1
ObjectiveSugar: 1
YandexGeocoder: 1
CocoaAsyncSocket: 1
NSDate+TimeAgo: 1
ReactiveViewModel: 1
BlocksKit/MessageUI: 1
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