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Created March 29, 2017 14:31
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Pure definition of format
universes u v
namespace hide
inductive format.color
| red | green | orange | blue | pink | cyan | grey
inductive format : Type
| nil : format
| text : string → format
| choice : format → format → format
| compose : format → format → format
| flat_compose : format → format → format
| line : format
| nest : nat → format → format
| color_begin : color → format
| color_end : format
def format.of_string : string → format := format.text
def format.of_nat (n : nat) : format := format.text n^.to_string
class has_to_format (α : Type u) :=
(to_format : α → format)
instance : has_to_format format :=
def to_fmt {α : Type u} [has_to_format α] : α → format :=
instance has_to_format_string : has_to_format string :=
⟨λ s, format.of_string s⟩
instance has_to_format_nat : has_to_format nat :=
⟨λ n, format.of_nat n⟩
instance has_to_format_char : has_to_format char :=
⟨λ c : char, format.of_string [c]⟩
namespace format
def color.code : color → string
| := "1"
| := "2"
| := "3"
| := "4"
| := "5"
| color.cyan := "6"
| color.grey := "7"
instance : has_coe string format := ⟨text⟩
def space : format := " "
instance : inhabited format :=
instance : has_append format :=
def concat (x y : format) : format :=
x ++ " " ++ y
infixr ^ := concat
def highlight (c : color) (f : format) : format :=
color_begin c ++ f ++ color_end
def above (x y : format) : format :=
x ++ line ++ y
instance nat_to_format : has_coe nat format :=
instance string_to_format : has_coe string format :=
def is_nil : format → bool
| nil := tt
| _ := ff
def flatten_core : format → format × bool
| (nest i x) := ((flatten_core x).1, tt)
| (compose x y) := let (fx, hx) := flatten_core x, (fy, hy) := flatten_core y in
(flat_compose fx fy, hx || hy)
| (choice x y) := ((flatten_core x).1, tt)
| line := (" ", tt)
| x := (x, ff)
def flatten (f : format) : format := (flatten_core f).1
def group (f : format) : format :=
let (flat_f, diff) := flatten_core f in
if diff then choice flat_f f else flat_f
def bracket (l : string) (x : format) (r : string) : format :=
group (nest (utf8_length l) (l ++ x ++ r))
def paren (f : format) : format :=
bracket "(" f ")"
def cbrace (f : format) : format :=
bracket "{" f "}"
def sbracket (f : format) : format :=
bracket "[" f "]"
def dcbrace (f : format) : format :=
bracket "⦃" f "⦄"
def wrap (x y : format) : format :=
x ++ (choice " " line) ++ y
def space_upto_line_break (avail : nat) : format → nat → option (nat × bool)
| nil len := some (len, ff)
| (color_begin c) len := some (len, ff)
| color_end len := some (len, ff)
| (nest i x) len := space_upto_line_break x len
| line len := some (len, tt)
| (text t) len := some (len + t^.length, ff)
| (choice x y) len := space_upto_line_break y len
| (compose x y) len :=
do a ← space_upto_line_break x 0,
let len' := len + a.1 in
if len' > avail then none else
if a.2 then some (len', a.2) else
space_upto_line_break y len'
| (flat_compose x y) len :=
do a ← space_upto_line_break x 0,
let len' := len + a.1 in
if len' > avail then none else
if a.2 then some (len', a.2) else
space_upto_line_break y len'
def space_upto_line_break_list_exceeded : list format → nat → bool
| [] avail := ff
| (f :: fs) avail :=
match space_upto_line_break avail f 0 with
| none := tt
| some (len, found) :=
if len > avail then tt else
if found then ff else
space_upto_line_break_list_exceeded fs (avail - len)
def pretty_core {α : Type u} (app : α → string → α) (w : nat) (colors : bool) :
format → list format → α → nat → nat → (α × nat)
| nil todo s pos indent := (s, pos)
| (color_begin c) todo s pos indent := (if colors then app s ("\x1B[" ++ c^.code ++ "m") else s, pos)
| color_end todo s pos indent := (if colors then app s "\x1B[0m" else s, pos)
| (compose x y) todo s pos indent :=
let (s', pos') := pretty_core x (y :: todo) s pos indent in pretty_core y todo s' pos' indent
| (flat_compose x y) todo s pos indent :=
let (s', pos') := pretty_core x (y :: todo) s pos indent in pretty_core y todo s' pos' indent
| (nest i x) todo s pos indent := pretty_core x todo s pos (indent + i)
| line todo s pos indent :=
(nat.rec_on indent (app s "\n") (λ_ s', app s " "), indent)
| (text t) todo s pos indent := (app s t, pos + t^.length)
| (choice x y) todo s pos indent :=
if space_upto_line_break_list_exceeded (x::todo) (w - pos)
then pretty_core y todo s pos indent
else pretty_core x todo s pos indent
def pretty {α} (f : format) (app : α → string → α) (w : nat) (colors : bool) (out : α) : α :=
(pretty_core app w colors f [] out 0 0).1
meta def get_option : tactic unit :=
tactic.get_nat_option `pp.width 120 >>= (tactic.to_expr ∘ quote) >>= tactic.exact
meta def get_pp_width : tactic unit :=
tactic.get_nat_option `pp.width 120 >>= (tactic.to_expr ∘ quote) >>= tactic.exact
meta def get_pp_colors : tactic unit :=
tactic.get_bool_option `pp.colors ff >>= (tactic.to_expr ∘ quote) >>= tactic.exact
def print [io.interface] (f : format) (w : auto_param nat ``get_pp_width)
(colors : auto_param bool ``get_pp_colors) : io unit :=
pretty f (λm s, m >> io.put_str s) w colors (return ())
def to_string (f : format) (w : auto_param nat ``get_pp_width)
(colors : auto_param bool ``get_pp_colors) : string :=
pretty f string.concat w colors ""
instance : has_to_string format :=
⟨λf, format.to_string f⟩
def trace_fmt {α : Type u} (f : format) (fn : unit → α) : α :=
trace (to_string f) (fn ())
def indent (f : format) (n : nat) : format :=
nest n (line ++ f)
def when {α : Type u} [has_to_format α] : bool → α → format
| tt a := to_fmt a
| ff a := nil
def join (xs : list format) : format :=
xs^.foldl compose (of_string "")
end format
open hide.format list
instance has_to_format_bool : has_to_format bool :=
⟨λ b, if b then of_string "tt" else of_string "ff"⟩
instance has_to_format_decidable {p : Prop} : has_to_format (decidable p) :=
⟨λ b : decidable p, @ite p b _ (of_string "tt") (of_string "ff")⟩
def list.to_format {α : Type u} [has_to_format α] : list α → format
| [] := to_fmt "[]"
| xs := to_fmt "[" ++ group (nest 1 $ join $ list.intersperse ("," ++ line) $ xs^.map to_fmt) ++ to_fmt "]"
instance has_to_format_list {α : Type u} [has_to_format α] : has_to_format (list α) :=
attribute [instance] string.has_to_format
instance has_to_format_name : has_to_format name :=
⟨λ n, to_fmt (name.to_string n)⟩
instance has_to_format_unit : has_to_format unit :=
⟨λ u, to_fmt "()"⟩
instance has_to_format_option {α : Type u} [has_to_format α] : has_to_format (option α) :=
⟨λ o, option.cases_on o
(to_fmt "none")
(λ a, to_fmt "(some " ++ nest 6 (to_fmt a) ++ to_fmt ")")⟩
instance sum_has_to_format {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [has_to_format α] [has_to_format β] : has_to_format (sum α β) :=
⟨λ s, sum.cases_on s
(λ a, to_fmt "(inl " ++ nest 5 (to_fmt a) ++ to_fmt ")")
(λ b, to_fmt "(inr " ++ nest 5 (to_fmt b) ++ to_fmt ")")⟩
open prod
instance has_to_format_prod {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [has_to_format α] [has_to_format β] : has_to_format (prod α β) :=
⟨λ ⟨a, b⟩, group (nest 1 (to_fmt "(" ++ to_fmt a ++ to_fmt "," ++ line ++ to_fmt b ++ to_fmt ")"))⟩
open sigma
instance has_to_format_sigma {α : Type u} {β : α → Type v} [has_to_format α] [s : ∀ x, has_to_format (β x)]
: has_to_format (sigma β) :=
⟨λ ⟨a, b⟩, group (nest 1 (to_fmt "⟨" ++ to_fmt a ++ to_fmt "," ++ line ++ to_fmt b ++ to_fmt "⟩"))⟩
open subtype
instance has_to_format_subtype {α : Type u} {p : α → Prop} [has_to_format α] : has_to_format (subtype p) :=
⟨λ s, to_fmt (val s)⟩
end hide
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