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Last active June 16, 2021 15:55
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breen deligne homology
// [package]
// name = "breen-deligne-homology"
// version = "0.1.0"
// authors = ["Mario Carneiro <>"]
// edition = "2018"
// [dependencies]
// modinverse = "0.1"
// rand = "0.8"
use std::{rc::Rc, hash::Hash};
use std::collections::{HashMap, hash_map::Entry};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Fp(bool);
const B: u8 = 2; // This version has been specialized to B = 2. See earlier revisions
const I: u8 = 4;
const RANDOM: bool = true;
impl std::ops::Add<Fp> for Fp {
type Output = Fp;
fn add(self, rhs: Fp) -> Fp {
Fp(self.0 ^ rhs.0)
impl std::ops::AddAssign<Fp> for Fp {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Fp) { *self = *self + rhs }
impl std::ops::Sub<Fp> for Fp {
type Output = Fp;
fn sub(self, rhs: Fp) -> Fp {
Fp(self.0 ^ rhs.0)
impl std::ops::Neg for Fp {
type Output = Fp;
fn neg(self) -> Fp { self }
impl std::ops::SubAssign<Fp> for Fp {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Fp) { *self = *self - rhs }
impl std::ops::Mul<Fp> for Fp {
type Output = Fp;
fn mul(self, rhs: Fp) -> Fp {
Fp(self.0 & rhs.0)
impl std::ops::MulAssign<Fp> for Fp {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: Fp) { *self = *self * rhs }
impl Fp {
fn inv(self) -> Option<Fp> {
if self.0 { Some(self) } else { None }
// modinverse::modinverse(self.0 as i16, B as i16).map(|i| Fp(i as _))
fn sel(m: &[bool], t: &[Fp]) -> Box<[Fp]> {
m.iter().zip(t).filter(|p| *p.0).map(|p| *p.1).collect()
fn iadd(mut a: Box<[Fp]>, b: &[Fp]) -> Box<[Fp]> {
a.iter_mut().zip(b).for_each(|(a, b)| *a += *b);
#[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum NaiveMat {
Two(Box<[bool]>, Box<[bool]>),
impl NaiveMat {
fn double(&self) -> Self {
let f = |m: &Box<[bool]>| m.iter().chain(&**m).copied().collect();
match self {
NaiveMat::One(m) => NaiveMat::One(f(m)),
NaiveMat::Two(m1, m2) => NaiveMat::Two(f(m1), f(m2)),
struct FreeAb<K=Rc<[Fp]>>(HashMap<K, i64>);
impl<K> Default for FreeAb<K> {
fn default() -> Self { Self(HashMap::new()) }
impl<K: Hash + Eq> FreeAb<K> {
fn single(t: impl Into<K>) -> Self {
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert(t.into(), 1);
fn add_kv(&mut self, k: K, v: i64) {
match self.0.entry(k) {
Entry::Occupied(mut e) => *e.get_mut() += v,
Entry::Vacant(e) => {e.insert(v);}
fn dmap(&self, f: impl Fn(&K) -> K) -> Self {
let mut m = Self(HashMap::new());
for (k, &v) in &self.0 { m.add_kv(f(k), v) }
fn add_smul(&mut self, n: i64, rhs: &FreeAb<K>) where K: Clone {
for (k, &v) in &rhs.0 { self.add_kv(k.clone(), n * v) }
impl FreeAb {
fn ev_nv(&self, nm: &NaiveMat) -> Self {
match nm {
NaiveMat::One(m) => self.dmap(|k| sel(m, k).into()),
NaiveMat::Two(m1, m2) => self.dmap(|k| iadd(sel(m1, k), &sel(m2, k)).into()),
fn ev(&self, nms: &FreeAb<NaiveMat>) -> Self {
let mut r = Self::default();
for (nm, &n) in &nms.0 {
r.add_smul(n, &self.ev_nv(nm));
impl FreeAb<NaiveMat> {
fn double(&self) -> Self { self.dmap(NaiveMat::double) }
impl<'a, K: Hash + Eq + Clone> std::ops::AddAssign<&'a FreeAb<K>> for FreeAb<K> {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: &'a FreeAb<K>) {
for (k, &v) in &rhs.0 { self.add_kv(k.clone(), v) }
impl<'a, K: Hash + Eq + Clone> std::ops::Add<&'a FreeAb<K>> for FreeAb<K> {
type Output = Self;
fn add(mut self, rhs: &'a FreeAb<K>) -> Self { self += rhs; self }
impl<'a, K: Hash + Eq + Clone> std::ops::SubAssign<&'a FreeAb<K>> for FreeAb<K> {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: &'a FreeAb<K>) {
for (k, &v) in &rhs.0 { self.add_kv(k.clone(), -v) }
impl<'a, K: Hash + Eq + Clone> std::ops::Sub<&'a FreeAb<K>> for FreeAb<K> {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(mut self, rhs: &'a FreeAb<K>) -> Self { self -= rhs; self }
impl<'a, K> std::ops::MulAssign<i64> for FreeAb<K> {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: i64) {
for v in self.0.values_mut() { *v *= rhs }
const D: usize = 1 << I;
const W: usize = (B as usize).pow(D as u32);
const S: usize = 1 << (I + 1);
fn encode(v: &[Fp]) -> usize {
v.iter().fold(0, |r, &x| r * B as usize + x.0 as usize)
fn enc_ev(d_n: &FreeAb<NaiveMat>, t: &[Fp; S], r: &mut [Fp; W]) {
let dt = FreeAb::<Rc<[Fp]>>::single(t.to_vec()).ev(&d_n);
for (k, v) in dt.0 {
let i = encode(&k);
r[i] += Fp(v & 1 != 0);
fn d(n: u8) -> FreeAb<NaiveMat> {
let m = 1 << n;
let mut pi1_n = vec![false; 2 * m].into_boxed_slice();
let mut pi2_n = vec![false; 2 * m].into_boxed_slice();
for i in 0..m { pi1_n[i] = true; pi2_n[m + i] = true; }
let pi_n =
FreeAb::<NaiveMat>::single(NaiveMat::One(pi1_n.clone())) +
let sigma_n = FreeAb::single(NaiveMat::Two(pi1_n, pi2_n));
let r = pi_n - &sigma_n;
if n == 0 { r } else { r - &d(n-1).double() }
struct BasisElement {
pivot: usize,
values: Box<[Fp; W]>,
fn gaussian_eliminate_one(basis: &mut Vec<BasisElement>, r: &mut [Fp; W]) -> bool {
let mut next = 0;
while let Some(i) = r[next..].iter().position(|&x| x != Fp(false)).map(|a| a+next) {
match basis.binary_search_by_key(&i, |b| b.pivot) {
Ok(a) => {
let b = &basis[a].values;
for j in i..W { r[j] -= b[j] }
next = i;
Err(a) => {
let z = r[i].inv().unwrap();
r[i] = Fp(true);
for j in i+1..W { r[j] *= z }
// for BasisElement {values, ..} in &mut basis[..a] {
// let x = -values[i];
// if x != Fp(0) {
// for j in i..W { values[j] += x * r[j] }
// }
// }
basis.insert(a, BasisElement {pivot: i, values: Box::new(r.clone())});
return true
fn run_one(d_n: &FreeAb<NaiveMat>, t: &[Fp; S], basis: &mut Vec<BasisElement>, r: &mut [Fp; W]) {
enc_ev(d_n, t, r);
if gaussian_eliminate_one(basis, r) {
*r = [Fp(false); W];
println!("{:?}", basis.len());
const MAX: usize = (B as usize).pow(S as u32);
fn exhaustive(d_n: &FreeAb<NaiveMat>, basis: &mut Vec<BasisElement>) {
let mut iteration = 0;
let mut per_10000 = 0;
let mut t = [Fp(false); S];
let mut r = [Fp(false); W];
'a: loop {
run_one(d_n, &t, basis, &mut r);
iteration += 1;
if iteration == MAX / 10000 {
iteration = 0;
per_10000 += 1;
println!("==> {}/10000", per_10000);
for i in t.iter_mut() {
i.0 = !i.0;
if !i.0 { continue 'a }
fn random(d_n: &FreeAb<NaiveMat>, basis: &mut Vec<BasisElement>) {
let between = rand::distributions::Uniform::from(0..B);
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut iteration = 0;
let mut per_10000 = 0;
let mut t = [Fp(false); S];
let mut r = [Fp(false); W];
loop {
for i in &mut t { i.0 = rand::distributions::Distribution::sample(&between, &mut rng) != 0 }
run_one(d_n, &t, basis, &mut r);
iteration += 1;
if iteration == MAX / 10000 {
iteration = 0;
per_10000 += 1;
println!("==> {}/10000", per_10000);
fn main() {
let d_n = d(I);
let mut basis: Vec<BasisElement> = vec![];
random(&d_n, &mut basis);
} else {
exhaustive(&d_n, &mut basis);
println!("{:?}", basis.len());
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