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Last active September 27, 2018 09:48
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some proofs on matroids
import data.finset
open nat finset
/-- `indep E` is the type of matroids (encoded as systems of independent sets) with ground set `E` :
`finset α` -/
structure indep (α : Type*) [decidable_eq α] :=
(indep : finset (finset α))
-- (I1)
(empty_mem_indep : ∅ ∈ indep)
-- (I2)
(indep_of_subset_indep {x y} (hx : x ∈ indep) (hyx : y ⊆ x) : y ∈ indep)
-- (I3)
(indep_exch {x y} (hx : x ∈ indep) (hy : y ∈ indep) (hcard : card x < card y)
: ∃ e ∈ y \ x, insert e x ∈ indep)
--attribute [class] indep
namespace multiset
@[simp] theorem card_filter_map_le {α β} {f : α → option β}
(s : multiset α) : card (filter_map f s) ≤ card s :=
multiset.induction_on s (nat.zero_le _) begin
intros a s IH,
cases h : f a,
{ rw [filter_map_cons_none _ _ h, card_cons],
exact le_succ_of_le IH },
{ rw [filter_map_cons_some _ _ _ h, card_cons, card_cons],
exact succ_le_succ IH }
end multiset
namespace finset
def filter_map {α β} [decidable_eq β] (f : α → option β) (s : finset α) : finset β :=
(s.1.filter_map f).to_finset
@[simp] theorem filter_map_empty {α β} [decidable_eq β] (f : α → option β) :
filter_map f ∅ = ∅ := rfl
@[simp] theorem mem_filter_map {α β} [decidable_eq β] {f : α → option β} {s : finset α}
{b : β} : b ∈ s.filter_map f ↔ ∃ a ∈ s, b ∈ f a :=
by simp [filter_map]; refl
theorem card_filter_map_le {α β} [decidable_eq β] {f : α → option β} {s : finset α} :
card (s.filter_map f) ≤ card s :=
le_trans (multiset.card_le_of_le $ multiset.erase_dup_le _)
(multiset.card_filter_map_le _)
theorem filter_map_insert_none {α β} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β]
(f : α → option β) {a : α} {s : finset α} (hf : f a = none) :
filter_map f (insert a s) = filter_map f s :=
by_cases a ∈ s,
{ rw insert_eq_of_mem h },
{ simp [filter_map, multiset.ndinsert_of_not_mem h,
multiset.filter_map_cons_none _ _ hf] }
theorem filter_map_insert_some {α β} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β]
(f : α → option β) {a : α} {s : finset α} {b} (hf : f a = some b) :
filter_map f (insert a s) = insert b (filter_map f s) :=
by_cases a ∈ s,
{ rw [insert_eq_of_mem h, insert_eq_of_mem],
exact mem_filter_map.2 ⟨_, h, hf⟩ },
{ simp [filter_map, multiset.ndinsert_of_not_mem h, multiset.filter_map_cons_some _ _ _ hf] }
theorem mem_of_card_filter_map {α β} [decidable_eq β] {f : α → option β} {s : finset α}
(h : card (s.filter_map f) = card s) {a} (ha : a ∈ s) : ∃ b, b ∈ f a :=
haveI := classical.dec_eq α,
cases h' : f a with b, swap, {exact ⟨b, rfl⟩},
refine (not_succ_le_self (card (erase s a)) (_ : _ + 1 ≤ _)).elim,
rw [← insert_erase ha, filter_map_insert_none f h',
card_insert_of_not_mem (not_mem_erase _ _)] at h, rw ← h,
apply card_filter_map_le
theorem inj_of_card_filter_map {α β} [decidable_eq β] {f : α → option β} {s : finset α}
(H : card (s.filter_map f) = card s) {a a'} (ha : a ∈ s) (ha' : a' ∈ s)
{b} (h1 : b ∈ f a) (h2 : b ∈ f a') : a = a' :=
haveI := classical.dec_eq α,
by_contra h,
rw [← insert_erase ha', filter_map_insert_some f h2,
card_insert_of_not_mem (not_mem_erase _ _), insert_eq_of_mem] at H,
{ refine (not_succ_le_self (card (erase s a')) (_ : _ + 1 ≤ _)).elim,
rw ← H, apply card_filter_map_le },
{ exact mem_filter_map.2 ⟨_, mem_erase.2 ⟨h, ha⟩, h1⟩ }
theorem exists_subset_filter_map_eq
{α β} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] (f : α → option β) (s : finset α) :
∃ t ⊆ s, s.filter_map f = filter_map f t ∧ card (t.filter_map f) = card t :=
refine finset.induction_on s ⟨∅, by simp⟩ _,
rintro a s as ⟨t, ss, st, ct⟩,
cases h : f a with b,
{ refine ⟨t, subset.trans ss (subset_insert _ _), _, ct⟩,
simpa [filter_map_insert_none f h] },
simp [filter_map_insert_some f h],
by_cases h' : b ∈ filter_map f s,
{ simp [h'],
refine ⟨t, subset.trans ss (subset_insert _ _), _, ct⟩,
simpa [filter_map_insert_none f h] },
{ refine ⟨insert a t, _⟩,
have ha := mt (@ss _) as,
rw [filter_map_insert_some f h],
refine ⟨insert_subset_insert _ ss, by rw st, _⟩,
rw [← st, card_insert_of_not_mem h', st, ct, card_insert_of_not_mem ha] }
end finset
def {u v} indep.filter_map {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β] (f : α → option β)
(m : indep α) : indep β :=
{ indep := m.indep.image (finset.filter_map f),
empty_mem_indep := finset.mem_image.2 ⟨∅, m.empty_mem_indep, rfl⟩,
indep_of_subset_indep := λ x y, begin
rw [mem_image, mem_image],
rintro ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩ xy,
refine ⟨x.filter (λ a, ∃ b ∈ f a, b ∈ y),
m.indep_of_subset_indep hx (filter_subset _), _⟩,
ext b, simp; split,
{ rintro ⟨a, ⟨ha, b', hb', hy⟩, hb⟩,
rcases option.some_inj.1 (hb.symm.trans hb'),
exact hy },
{ intro hb,
rcases finset.mem_filter_map.1 (xy hb) with ⟨a, ha, ab⟩,
exact ⟨a, ⟨ha, b, ab, hb⟩, ab⟩ }
indep_exch := λ x y, begin
rw [mem_image, mem_image],
rintro ⟨x, xi, rfl⟩ ⟨y, yi, rfl⟩ xy,
rcases finset.exists_subset_filter_map_eq f x with ⟨z, zx, hz, cz⟩,
rcases finset.exists_subset_filter_map_eq f y with ⟨w, wy, hw, cw⟩,
have zi := m.indep_of_subset_indep xi zx,
have wi := m.indep_of_subset_indep yi wy,
rw [hz, cz, hw, cw] at xy, rw [hz, hw], clear xi zx hz x yi wy hw y,
induction h : card (w \ z) generalizing z,
{ have := finset.ext.1 (card_eq_zero.1 h), simp at this,
exact (not_le_of_gt xy (card_le_of_subset this)).elim },
rcases m.indep_exch zi wi xy with ⟨a, ha, ii⟩, simp at ha,
rcases finset.mem_of_card_filter_map cw ha.1 with ⟨b, ab⟩,
by_cases bz : b ∈ finset.filter_map f z,
{ rcases finset.mem_filter_map.1 bz with ⟨a', ha', fa'⟩,
let z' := finset.erase (insert a z) a',
have az' : a ∈ z',
{ refine finset.mem_erase.2 ⟨mt _ ha.2, mem_insert_self _ _⟩,
rintro rfl, exact ha' },
have inz : insert a' z' = insert a z,
{ rw [insert_erase (finset.mem_insert_of_mem ha')] },
have zi' : z' ∈ m.indep :=
m.indep_of_subset_indep ii (finset.erase_subset _ _),
have bz' : b ∈ finset.filter_map f z' :=
finset.mem_filter_map.2 ⟨a, az', ab⟩,
have hz' : z'.filter_map f = z.filter_map f,
{ rw [← insert_eq_of_mem bz', ← finset.filter_map_insert_some f fa',
inz, finset.filter_map_insert_some f ab, insert_eq_of_mem bz] },
have cz' : card z' = card z,
{ rw [← add_right_inj 1, ← card_insert_of_not_mem (not_mem_erase _ _),
inz, card_insert_of_not_mem ha.2] },
replace ih := ih z', rw [hz', cz'] at ih,
refine ih cz zi' xy ((add_right_inj 1).1 $ eq.trans _ h),
rw [← card_insert_of_not_mem (λ h, (mem_sdiff.1 h).2 az')],
congr, ext c, simp [not_imp_comm]; split,
{ rintro (rfl | ⟨h₁, h₂⟩),
{ exact ha },
{ refine ⟨h₁, λ h₃, h₂ (λ h₄, _) (or.inr h₃)⟩,
subst c,
rcases finset.inj_of_card_filter_map cw ha.1 h₁ ab fa',
exact ha.2 h₃ } },
{ rintro ⟨h₁, h₂⟩,
refine or_iff_not_imp_left.2 (λ h₃, ⟨h₁, _⟩),
rintro h₄ (rfl | h₅),
{ exact h₃ rfl }, { exact h₂ h₅ } } },
{ exact ⟨b, mem_sdiff.2 ⟨finset.mem_filter_map.2 ⟨_, ha.1, ab⟩, bz⟩,
finset.mem_image.2 ⟨_, ii, by rw [finset.filter_map_insert_some f ab]⟩⟩ },
end }
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