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Created April 17, 2016 07:43
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# _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
# 1. 遍历httplogs, 读取到每一条doc
# 2. 根据doc的 url + method 判断该发那个埋点 传入到转发器
# 3. 转发器根据不同情况的埋点生成一个eventObj出来
# 4. save to db add one del one
from pymongo import MongoClient
import datetime
import time
import jwt
import IP
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
httplogDB = MongoClient('', 27017)['koala_dev']
eventDB = MongoClient('', 27017)['koala_dev']
todayDateStr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime())
httplogsCollectionName = "usefulHttpLog" + todayDateStr
httplogs = httplogDB[httplogsCollectionName]
eventsCollectionName = "backendEvents" + todayDateStr
events = eventDB[eventsCollectionName]
print("1. connected to collection %s %s")%(httplogsCollectionName, eventsCollectionName)
# ronfe's map dict
httpMapEvents = [
"origin": {
"method": "POST",
"route": "/signup"
"track": {
"eventKey": "signupSuccess",
"eventValue": { "userId": None, "channel": "" }
# deocde token
# @ input token
# @ output userid and user role
def parseToken(token):
secret = "follow your heart&intuition"
thisToken = token.split(' ')[-1]
decode = {}
decode = jwt.decode(thisToken, secret)
return decode
def saveToDb(eventObj, httplogId):
httplogs.remove({"_id": httplogId})
def parseEventValue(trackEvent, eventObj, httplog):
request = httplog['request']
response = httplog['response']
if eventObj['eventKey'] == "signupSuccess":
trackEvent['eventValue']['userId'] = eventObj['user']
trackEvent['eventValue']['channel'] = None
return trackEvent['eventValue']
# return {}
# 初始化埋点信息
def generatorEvent(doc, trackEvent):
eventObj = {
"eventKey": "",
"eventValue": {},
"ua": "",
"url": "",
"category": "",
"platform": "",
"ip": "",
"location": "",
"user": "",
"role": "",
"eventTime": "",
"serverTime": ""
event = trackEvent['eventKey']
eventObj['eventKey'] = event
eventObj['ua'] = doc['ua'] # httplog ua filed
eventObj['url'] = doc['url'] # httplog url filed
eventObj['category'] = doc['apptag'] # 没法找? parse url有可能拿到
eventObj['platform'] = "backend" # 一律backend还是根据不同的apptag传不同的platform
if doc['ip'] != None:
eventObj['ip'] = doc['ip'] # read from httplog this.request.ip
eventObj['location'] = IP.find(doc['ip'])# how 2?
if doc['token'] != None:
tokenObj = parseToken(doc['token'])
eventObj['user'] = ObjectId(tokenObj['id']) # read from httplog
eventObj['role'] = tokenObj['role'] # read from httplog
eventObj['eventTime'] = doc['eventTime'] # http2mongo实时写入unixtimestamp
eventObj['serverTime'] = doc['serverTime'] # read from token
eventValue = {}
eventValue = parseEventValue(trackEvent, eventObj, doc)
eventObj['eventValue'] = eventValue # 根据不同的情况解析req/res填充eventValue/ read from httplog res/req
except Exception as e:
saveToDb(eventObj, doc['_id'])
# API 判别 生成event发送到eventObj生成器
def identify(doc):
thisDoc = doc
thisDocUrl = thisDoc['url']
for mapDoc in httpMapEvents:
route = mapDoc['origin']['route']
trackEvent = mapDoc['track']
if route in thisDocUrl:
generatorEvent(thisDoc, trackEvent)
print("2. Service running...")
for doc in httplogs.find({}):
print("END. Service finished.")
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