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Created February 11, 2012 07:09
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To convert any list into a complicated nest of dictionaries for ultra fast lookup.
Public Function ToMultiKeyDictionary(Of TSource, TSecKey)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of TSource), ByVal ParamArray func() As Func(Of TSource, TSecKey)) As IDictionary
'dict = students.ToMultiKeyDictionary(
' {
' Function(x) x.Age,
' Function(x) x.Location,
' Function(x) x.Job,
' Function(x) x.Name,
' Function(x) x})
Dim reverseCollection As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Type)
Dim functionsCount As Integer = func.Count
Dim dictTypeCollection As New List(Of IDictionary)
Dim instanceOfCurrentDictionaryArgument As New Object
Dim dictionaryArgQueue As Object = Nothing
Dim dictionaryTypes As New List(Of Type)
For i = 0 To functionsCount - 1
reverseCollection.Add(i, source.Select(func(func.Count() - (i + 1))).FirstOrDefault().GetType())
Dim typeOfGenericDictionary As Type
Dim dictionaryTypeArgs() As Type
Dim newConstructedType As Type
Dim currentDictionaryInstance As IDictionary
For i = 0 To reverseCollection.Count - 1
If reverseCollection(i) IsNot GetType(String) Then
instanceOfCurrentDictionaryArgument = Activator.CreateInstance(reverseCollection(i))
instanceOfCurrentDictionaryArgument = String.Empty
End If
If instanceOfCurrentDictionaryArgument IsNot Nothing AndAlso dictionaryArgQueue IsNot Nothing Then
typeOfGenericDictionary = GetType(Dictionary(Of ,))
dictionaryTypeArgs = {instanceOfCurrentDictionaryArgument.GetType(), dictionaryArgQueue.GetType()}
newConstructedType = typeOfGenericDictionary.MakeGenericType(dictionaryTypeArgs)
currentDictionaryInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(newConstructedType)
dictionaryArgQueue = currentDictionaryInstance
dictionaryArgQueue = instanceOfCurrentDictionaryArgument
End If
Dim dict As IDictionary = Activator.CreateInstance(dictionaryTypes.Last())
'If dict IsNot Nothing Then
Dim queueObj As Object
For Each item In source
Dim currentItem = item
Dim newObject1 = Activator.CreateInstance(dict.GetType)
Dim iterDict As IDictionary = dict
Dim itemAddedFlag As Boolean = False
Dim currentItemInCollection As IEnumerable(Of TSource)
For i = 0 To func.Count - 1
currentItemInCollection = source.Where(Function(x) x.Equals(currentItem))
Dim currentKey As TSecKey = currentItemInCollection.Select(func(i)).FirstOrDefault()
If iterDict.Contains(currentKey) AndAlso iterDict(currentKey) IsNot Nothing Then
iterDict = iterDict(currentKey)
queueObj = Nothing
For k = 0 To reverseCollection.Count - 1
If queueObj Is Nothing Then
queueObj = currentItemInCollection.Select(func(functionsCount - (k + 1))).FirstOrDefault()
Dim curObject As Object = currentItemInCollection.Select(func(functionsCount - (k + 1))).FirstOrDefault()
Dim currentDictionaryFromReverse As IDictionary = Activator.CreateInstance(dictionaryTypes(k - 1))
If iterDict.GetType() = currentDictionaryFromReverse.GetType() Then
iterDict.Add(curObject, queueObj)
itemAddedFlag = True
Exit For
End If
currentDictionaryFromReverse.Add(curObject, queueObj)
queueObj = currentDictionaryFromReverse
End If
If itemAddedFlag Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Return dict
End Function
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