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Created December 10, 2013 16:30
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  • Save digilord/7893496 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save digilord/7893496 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. for a Meteor app. This script assumes that you are using upstart scripts, nginx with SSL, and nodejs from
function test {
if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then
echo "error with $1"
return $status
git pull
echo "Update node"
# Need to update the package catalog.
apt-get update > /dev/null
# Need to clean up unused packages.
apt-get autoremove -y > /dev/null
# Finally install the latest version of node.
apt-get install -y nodejs
cd $APP_HOME/superslick-app/
echo "Updating meteorite packages..."
test mrt install
test rm -rf packages/npm/.npm/
echo "Bundling your app...."
test meteor bundle ../bundle.tgz
test rm -rf bundle
echo "Deploying bundled app."
test tar -xzf bundle.tgz
cd bundle/programs/server
npm install fibers
cd $OldWD
echo "Updating upstart jobs."
cp upstart/* /etc/init/
echo "Restarting the app service."
sudo service mymeteorapp restart
echo "Updating the nginx configuration."
sudo cp nginx/*.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/
sudo cp nginx/ssl/* /etc/nginx/ssl/
sudo ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/meteor.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/meteor.conf
echo "Restarting nginx."
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx stop
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start
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