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Last active October 16, 2022 04:50
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Indices of each unique element in an array - threaded
function unique_ids3(itr)
# create individual dictionaries for each thread,
# where keys have the type of itr's elements
d = [Dict{eltype(itr), Vector{Int}}() for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()]
# iterate through itr, using automatic threading
# :static ensures that threadid() remains constant within an iteration
Threads.@threads :static for index in eachindex(itr)
id = Threads.threadid()
@inbounds val = itr[index]
# check if the dictionary
if haskey(d[id], val)
# add value of itr if its not in v yet
d[id][val] = [index]
# merge the dictionaries for the different threads, using append! to merge the values
# where the dictionaries have the same key
return mergewith(append!, d...) |> values |> collect
function unique_ids_serial(itr)
#create dictionnary where keys have type of whatever itr is
d = Dict{eltype(itr), Vector{Int}}()
#iterate through values in itr
for (index,val) in pairs(itr)
#check if the dictionary
if haskey(d, val)
#add value of itr if its not in v yet
d[val] = [index]
return collect(values(d))
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